Larry oneshot

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The lads had been in the bus for over 4 hours now and it was getting to be quite boring.

Harry was off sleeping in his bunk, Niall and Louis were playing video games in the back, zayn was sleeping on a couch in the front, and Liam was sitting next to Niall on his phone.

Louis hadn't noticed Harry walk in till he felt a weight gain in his lap.

He quickly looked down seeing Harry had positioned himself with his head in Louis lap closing his eyes once again.

"How was your sleep babe?" Louis asked carding a hand through Harry's hair finding his curls a little sticky and sweaty

Harry shrugged his shoulders flipping over so his face was in Louis stomach wrapping his arm around Louis waist.

"You okay?" Louis asked seeing as Harry was being awfully quiet

Niall had started up the game without Louis as Louis talked with Harry.

Harry's eyes welled up with tears as he broke down in Louis lap.

"Harry? Baby... What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Louis asked frantic but in a calming tone

Niall had paused the game and looked at Harry and Louis skeptically not knowing what was going on.

A sob broke through Harry's parted, chapped lips making Louis frown deeper.

"Okay, alright don't cry" Louis whispered running a hand down Harry's back,"let's go talk about it in the other room" Louis finished off his sentence getting up off the couch guiding Harry through the bus and to his bunk


Louis got into his bunk pulling Harry in with his allowing him to rest his head on his chest while he continued to cry.

Louis sat there in the comforting silence only quiet sobs coming from Harry as he calmed down a bit.

"Louis.." Harry choked out his name making Louis heart ache

"Baby, what's wrong?" Louis asked holding his head to his chest kissing his disheveled curls

"I-I don't feel well" Harry whimpered letting a round of hot tears slip past his eyes

"Haz, it's okay! I'll get you some medicine" Louis responded not knowing why he was so upset about feeling a bit sick

Louis hopped out of his bunk grabbing the medicine bag from the cabinet that held every medication under the sun and set it on his bed rummaging through it.

"What's bothering you? Have you got a stomachache or is it your throat?" Louis asked wanting to get the right kind to soothe his pain

"Stomachache" Harry whispered cuddling up into Louis fluffy comforter

Louis rummaged through the bag a little more till he found the pink medicine.

He unscrewed the child-proof lid pouring out the correct amount for Harry's age into the little clear cup.

"Here" Louis brought the cup up to Harry's lips helping him drink down the fowl substance that didn't taste anything like bubblegum

After downing the medicine Harry took a sip of the water Louis had brought him before settling back down into the warm covers.

"Thanks" he murmured closing his eyes hoping the medicine would kick in soon

Louis went to put away the supplies so he could cuddle up with his boyfriend and make him feel better :(


Louis got back to the bunk slipping open the curtain seeing Harry's perfect face, lips slightly ajar as he breathed deeply.

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