Louis sick suddenly (Larry)

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"Do you think you're gonna throw up?" Harry asked Louis as he stood hovering over the sink.  He had a steady hand rubbing comforting circles over the span of Louis back which was trembling and covered in a layer of sweat. 

Louis let out a whimper with the shrug of his shoulders, "I-I don't kn-know" he replied shakily. 

Harry didn't know what was going on with his Louis.  Just 5 minutes ago Harry was brushing his teeth at the sink and Louis was in the shower to get ready for the day when he was suddenly ripping open the shower door, running for the sink beside Harrys.   Louis had barely made it whenever he gagged and let out a dry retch as his back arched over the counter top and he gripped the edges of the counter with great force. 

Harry was quick to throw down his tooth brush and turn off his sink water to make sure Louis was okay.   Louis let out another dry heave as he rested his forearms on the counter of the sink and pushed back his hair with one shaky hand. 

"Oh honey" Harry cooed and sighed in worry for his baby.  Louis wasn't sick very often, let alone stomach sick. 

Harry reached for a small cup to fill with water in as Louis breathed heavily over the sink, with his eyes looking down into the drain as if in a trance.  Louis hadn't been sick yet but he felt like if he'd move, he'd lose everything in his stomach.  

Harry finished filling the cup and held it in louis sight for him.  Louis lifted a shaky hand to grab for the cup and brought it to his lips slowly, as he stood up straiter.  Louis took meager sips of the cool water, letting it slide down his dry throat. 

Louis set down the cup on the counter before turning to look to harry.  A look of worry laced Harry's features and louis fell into his embrace, needing the comfort.  Harry wrapped his arms comfortably around Louis, feeling warm tears fall onto his neck and slide down to his shoulder.   He felt so bad for his poorly baby.  

"Can I do anything for you baby?" Harry whispered into Louis ear and Louis just shrugged his shoulders.  He didn't really know what he needed at the moment.  All he knew was that he wasn't feeling well at all.  

After a minute Louis finally spoke, "I want to go lay down in bed please" Louis murmured quietly to Harry.  Harry nodded his head mumbling an okay as a reply and carefully led Louis back to their bed with a steady hand on his back which was soaked with sweat, probably from the fever that Louis seemed to be radiating.  

Harry grabbed the edge of their comforter, pulling it back for louis to slide into.  Louis slipped in and lied on his side, facing the edge of the bed, curled up in a tight ball.  Harry tucked the blankets up around Louis chin and smoothed back his hair in a comforting gesture.  

"I'm gonna go get the thermometer and get you some medicine while I call management and tell them we won't be there okay?"  Harry asked and Louis nodded already closing his eyes, for sleep to take over.  

Harry quietly slipped out of their bedroom, dialing management as he walked down the stairs.  He didn't have to put up too much of a fight as he lied slightly telling them that Louis had been up all night throwing up.  I mean it was just a little white lie.  But management agreed and told Harry to get Louis better so they could make it to work tomorrow.  

Harry ended the conversation and pulled open their medicine cabinet.  He easily found the thermometer that always sat in the same spot and reached for fever reducers and stomach relaxers that he commonly would use, as his own stomach was quite wonky at random times.  

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