He's sick and alone with your kids (louis)

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"Louis I shouldn't leave you.." You said worried to leave your kids with him all day.

It's not that you didn't mind louis watching the kids... It's that Louis had stayed home the last two days with a virus that was going around the boys.

"Babe I'll be fine.... I'm feeling a lot better and if I start to feel bad y/d/n will be here" louis said speaking of your 15 year old daughter

"Okay......... We'll I gotta go" you said as you kissed Louis' cheek leaving for your dads house.


Louis woke up to his son shaking his shoulder," daddy"

"Yeah bud?" Louis asked waking up turning over in bed

"Will you come play football with me(soccer)?" He asked

Louis had started to not feel good but he couldn't say no to his son," yeah bud let me get dressed"

Louis was running around showing his little boy everything he knew.

He was having so much fun almost forgetting about his sickness but not for long......

"Bud I think I need to take a break" louis said walking over to a lawn chair

Louis was starting to feel really sick and he didn't want your kids to think he was weak.

"Daddy are you okay? Your shaking should I get sissy?" Your son asked

Louis was getting very lightheaded and felt sick.

"Help me inside please?" Louis whimpered to your son as your 8 year old helped Louis inside to the couch.

Right as Louis sat on the couch his stomach lurched and his lunch spilled from his mouth.

"Ahhhh!!!!! Sissy!!!!!!" Your son screamed as he saw his dad vomit

Your daughter came running downstairs stopping when she saw her dad.

"Oh my....... Let me get a trash can" she said running off

Once she came back into the room she rubbed her dads back as he was violently sick over and over again.

"Y/s/n call mom and tell her to come home" your daughter told her brother

Your son ran off to call you

Your son: mommy come home!!

You: why what's wrong??

Your son: dads throwing up

You: okay I'm on my way home now

Your son: okay mommy hurry

The line went dead......


You got home rushing into the living room finding Louis laying with your daughter on the couch

"Hi mom" your daughter said standing up

"Is he okay?" You asked your daughter

"He's a little shaken up but I think he'll be okay" your daughter told you

"Thanks for watching him" you said giving your daughter a hug going to help Louis upstairs

After taking Louis upstairs and giving him some medicine to ease his stomach you rubbed his stomach falling asleep in each other's arms:)


Sorry that was horrible:/ my next story will be a lot better!

Love ya


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