Him and your kid are sick (Harry)

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"Y/n......" You heard your name being moaned from your bedroom

Walking towards your room you saw Harry sprawled out on the bed looking quite sickly.....

"You okay babe?" You asked sitting on the bed rubbing his extremely sweaty back

"My stomach hurts......" He groaned shoving his head into a pillow

"Poor baby:(" you chuckled a little

"S'not funny! I don't feel good!" He said loudly

"I'm sorry baby, I'll get you something for your stomach" you said patting his arm getting up to go get


Walking downstairs you bumped into your son almost sending both of you guys tumbling down the staircase.

"Shit! Oh... Crap sorry" you said quite loudly

"Sorry mom..." Your son mumbled walking up the stairs quietly

That was weird you thought as you got the medicine for Harrys stomach.

Walking back into your room Harry was in a fetal position groaning, holding his stomach.

"Here babe sit up" you said helping him up

He took the medicine quickly laying back down.

"Lay with me?" He asked giving you puppy dog eyes

"Okay..." You gave in hoping not to get sick yourself


You woke up hearing some noises coming from your sons bathroom.

You got up walking out of the room quietly not wanting to wake a sick Harry

"Hello?" You whispered knocking on the closed door of the bathroom

"G'way" you heard someone whimper out

"Let me in!" You whisper yelled hearing a retching sound coming from inside the bathroom

You got on the bathroom seeing your oldest son (17) throwing up into the toilet.

"What happened?" You asked getting a cloth for his head as he lay against the bath tub

"I didn't feel good... And I just started throwing up" he mumbled to you

"Dads sick too" you informed him wiping his forehead flushing the sick away

"Everything okay in here?" You heard Harry's voice travel through the bathroom

You turned around seeing Harry standing there with his hand on his stomach.

"Y/s/n got sick... I think you guys have the same thing" you told harry helping your son up taking him to his room.

You got him situated heading back into your room to find Harry in the bathroom holding the sink.

"Are you okay babe?" You asked concerned he was going to be sick too

"I d-don't know.." He whimpered

"Do you feel like your gonna get sick?" You asked helping him toward the toilet

"Y-ye-yeah" he sobbed not liking the ides of throwing up

Harry's stomach heaved and the contents of his stomach poured out of him:(

"Shhh.. Your okay love" you rubbed Harry's back trying to get him to calm down

He finally finished letting you help him back to bed.

Once in bed Harry lost it... He went into a huge crying fit and it didn't show any signs of stopping soon.

"Babe? Oh honey shhhh your okay" you whispered soothing things to him as he panicked

"I-I don't f-f-feel good!" He sobbed into your neck

"Calm down or your gonna get sick again" you mumbled into his hair as your rubbed up and down his back

After about 45 minutes of coaxing Harry into calming down he fell into a very needed sleep.


What did you guys think???

So many people like these sickfics and I challenge anybody who's reading this to write a or some sickfics for me to read:) I would love to see what you guys can come up with!!!

Love ya


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