He gets sick at an interview (Liam)

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You had been up all night with Liam him complaining of having some stomach issues.

You guys were on the bus so he thought it was most likely just from the turns of the bus.

You wanted him to stay on the bus but he had other ideas......

"Babe, I think I wanna go to the interview" he said walking into the front of the bus where you were sitting

"Hun that's not a good idea... You've been sick all night" you said skeptically

"I can't let the fans down..." Liam whispered sitting down next to you

You felt his head," you still have a fever Hun, how does your stomach feel?"

"I still feel sick but I just wanna try" Liam sighed laying his head in your lap

"Well you can try babe" you agreed rubbing his back.


The other lads walked onto the bus

"Hey Liam! You doing okay?" Harry asked patting his back

"Yeah... I'm gonna do the interview" Liam said standing up

The boys looked at you confused," um... Are you sure?" Harry asked

"Yeah I'm fine" Liam said walking off the bus with the boys leaving you in the bus till the end of the interview.


The boys had gotten their hair done and were sitting around waiting for the interview to start.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Liam whispered getting up walking out of the room.

The boys looked at each other concerned.

They shrugged continuing there conversation.

Back in the bathroom Liam was not feeling so good.

He had started to get a little nauseous sitting there and headed for a bathroom trying to feel better.

Liam gripped roughly to the sink breathing heavily.

Oh no.......

Liam quickly fell in front of the toilet gagging only spit coming up.

He could feel his stomachs contents turning. He quickly sent Niall a text.

Him: help

Niall looked at the text jumping out of his chair running for the bathroom.

The other boys followed quickly behind.

Niall and the lads saw Liam heave into the toilet all his stomachs contents come out when they ran into the bathroom.

"Shit! You okay mate?" Niall asked wetting a towel putting it on his neck proceeding to rub his back

"Y/n....... I want her..." Liam whimpered into the toilet

"Okay well get her now.. Hold on mate" Niall tried to reassure him


Harry ran onto the bus grabbing you pulling you into the station toward the bathroom.

Liam was laying on the floor Niall rubbing his back.

"Oh babe.... I knew this wasn't a good idea"you sighed switching places with Niall

"Home... I wanna go home..." Liam whimpered into your lap

"We can't now Hun.. We can go back to the bus though" you said

The lads helped Liam stand up walking out of the bathroom.

You got loads of strange looks as you walked through the building climbing onto the bus.

Liam walked strait for the couch lowering himself down burying his head in a pillow.

You thanked the boys as they walked off the bus to go do the interview.

"Y/n........ I don't feel well' Liam whimpered

You grabbed a blanket throwing it over his sweaty body," you'll feel better soon" you reassured

"Get some rest" you kissed the back of his head closing the blinds


The lads piled onto the bus after the interview seeing Liam laying down sleeping on a couch.

"How is he" they asked

"Pretty sick... He's been throwing up quite a bit" you informed them

"Poor thing..." Zayn whispered rubbing his back walking back to the back

The boys all went there different ways as you nursed Liam's stomach flu for the next week.


There's Liam! I haven't seen any sickfics up today!!! Where is everybody?? There should be more cause we don't have school! Let's write more!

Love ya


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