He's sick but has to take the kids to school. ( Zayn)

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Since you guys liked the a Harry one so much I'm going to to write another one like that!


"Daddy..... Wake up." Your your daughter whispered to her dad's sleeping figure.

"What do ya need darling?" Zayn whispered waking up from his nap on the soft couch.

"Can we go to the school football game?" Your daughter asked with the cutest puppy dog eyes anyone had ever seen.

Zayn's stomach may heaps been hurting but seeing his daughters pouting face he knew he couldn't say no. He got out of bed heading off to get ready for the loud and long game.


Entering the field was crazy! People were screaming and talking and the smell of all the concession stand food made his stomach even more queasy.

Your daughter ran off to find her friends while Zayn took the younger boys to go find a seat.

Half way through the game the pain in Zayn's stomach was searing and it hurt with every breath he took.

He opted to text you and see if you could come to the game


Him: hey doll are ya busy??

You: not too bad whatcha need?

Him: could you come to the football game at the school?

You: um..... Why?

Him: my stomachs hurting:(

You: why'd ya go if you felt sick?

Him: I didn't want y/d/n to miss the game cause all her friends were going.

You: alright I'm on my way now

Him: thanks love

You: bye love you

Him: love you too;)


Zayn waited with his boys and talked to thm trying to distract him from his stomach problems. It wasn't working too well:(

You pulled into the school walking towards the field where you knew Zayn would be waiting. You saw him with your younger kids and waked toward him.

"Hey babe, not feeling good?" You asked Zayn

"No..... Let's go home I think I'm gonna get sick if I stay here any longer" zayn groaned

You worked it out that your daughter would go home with some friends and headed to the car with Zayn and your little boys in tow.

The car ride wasn't as pleasant as you thought it would have been. Zayn started throwing up into a small bag you had in the car luckily. You thought the jerky road mixed with his stomachache must have just not mixed well.

Once home the younger boys were sent to watch a movie in the living room while you tended to Zayn's every need. That night was spent with lots of running to the bathroom and bucket holding but you lived Zayn and it was your job to help him feel better:)


Sorry it was horrible lol! I didn't know that much of what to say

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