Nouis (Niall sick) ~

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Louis had woken up early this morning to find that Niall wasn't in bed beside him. He looked around the room for any sign of him and noticed his phone still plugged into the charger on his night stand. Well then he was still home, but where was he?

Louis swung his legs over the side of the bed stretching his arms above his head when he heard a sniffle. He stopped arms still raised on the air waiting for another sound. Another sniffle and small cry could be heard from inside his bathroom.

Quickly Louis got to his feet knowing it had to be Niall, but why was he crying?

He knocked on the door with 2 of his knuckles,"Niall you in there babe?" He asked making sure Niall could hear him from the other side of the door.

Niall had looked up at the door still sat by the toilet as he had been there for over an hour feeling like he was gonna be sick but nothing ever coming up,"yeah" he whimpered to Louis in reply sniffing at the end

"I'm comin' in" Louis announced as he turned the door knob slipping into the bathroom to see his love sat against the wall by the toilet with tears stained on his cheeks and shirt with a cup of water sitting near him

"What's the matter honey?" Louis was by Niall in mere seconds leaning down to place a hand on Niall's knee rubbing it slightly. He definitely looked paler than normal which meant he was probably ill.

"I keep feeling sick" Niall mumbled feeling the sickly sensation go back to his stomach and his throat had formed a lump. He swallowed harshly moving to rest his arms on the toilet cover his head laying on his arms.

"Have you been sick darling?" Louis asked as he rubbed Niall's back in a soothing manner trying to bring some comfort to the poorly boy

Niall shook his head leaning back up so his elbow could rest on the toilet,"feel it though" he murmured positioning himself over the toilet breathing heavily.

Louis sat with Niall in a comfortable silence waiting for anything to happen but when nothing did he thought it would be best to get Niall back in bed and he could call him and Niall in sick.

After prying Niall from the toilet as Niall fought with him as he feared he would be sick all over the bed and floor and make a mess Louis got him laying in the bed a little bin from their bathroom placed on the nightstand for easy reach if he felt he may be ill.

Of course the minute Louis had gotten into the bed after calling the boys Niall sat up reaching for the sick bin holding it in his lap dry heaving over it spit dripping from his lips which he didn't even bother to wipe off he just sat their waiting for something more to happen.

"Babe" Louis sadly whispered bringing a tissue up to Niall's lips to wipe away the drool,"lay back down, you're okay" he comforted.

Niall shook his head and gripped the bin tighter when Louis tried to get it from his hands,"I'm gonna throw up" Niall whined unhappily tears pricking his eyes.

Louis sat beside Niall grazing his nails over his back as Niall sat up in bed the bucket in his lap helplessly whimpering Louis name over and over. Louis felt horrible for the poor lad, seeing Niall sick was always the worst for any of the boys really as he was so innocent and cute.

After a while Louis had had enough and took the bin away from Niall setting it at the end of their bed pulling Niall into his chest his head propped in the crook of Louis neck,"just rest sweetie" Louis whispered into his ear his hand finding it's way into Niall's hair

Niall's heavy breaths against his neck were warming but he also knew Niall was feeling pretty poorly.

"Louis" Niall breathed as he wrapped his arms around his stomach as he was hit with a wave of nausea,"I want my mum" he murmured quietly quite embarrassed to be asking for his mum to be honest but he just wasn't feeling well

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