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The boyfriend is back at it again with the sickness.  Woke up this morning to a sudden call at 5 am and my poor baby boy is ill again :(

I have the honor of living 2 houses down from my love so I got up after he told me he needed me to come take care of him to get to his house.  I get there to find him curled up on the bed in great amounts of pain which I'm still trying to figure out why!

We fell asleep again & I woke up again when he threw up all over the blankets & off the side of the bed then continued to run into the bathroom to finish being sick into his sink... Poor baby :'((

Well his mom and I don't really know what's wrong but he's nauseous, got a migraine, and some pretty bad stomach pain. (He's already had his appendix out)

Does this sound like the flu or just food poisoning from something he ate? Any ideas?

Thank you guys!


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