Sick after concert

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Harry looked to Louis with a hint of anxiousness as he watched him down another plastic cup of vodka Red Bull, laughing along with Niall and Liam. It had to have been his second or third cup, Harry was sure and he was getting worried.  Harry knew Louis had a high tolerance and he never wanted to make Louis feel like he was his babysitter but really none of them should be drinking heavily before performing in front of nearly 50,000 teenage girls and guys and their parents. Right? He wasn't being a Debby downer was he? He continued watching from his spot in Lou, their stylists, chair as he got his hair fixed for the show that would be taking place in under an hour.  Harry's mind was reeling with thoughts, had Louis at least eaten dinner? He couldn't remember if he saw him in the dining area earlier when he was eating with Niall. Liam and Louis had been off taking showers when Harry and Niall had went to eat leaving plenty of time before the show for their food to digest and Harry could only hope that Louis had eaten something to outweigh the amount of alcohol he was consuming.

Harry shook himself out of his thoughts when the man him self was stood in front of him. "Whatcha' thinkin' about over 'er in your own little world?" Louis asked with a tipsy smile on his face. Harry couldn't help but smile back at him. God he was so in love with that man.  The way his Donny accent flowed smoothly from his lips always had Harry swooning over him and although many struggled to understand what he was saying when he got to talking quickly, Harry had learned over the years to pick up what he was saying quite easily.

Harry couldn't seem to stop the next sentence from coming out, "you're having a lot to drink darling." He said and as the words came out he couldn't take them back.  The look on Louis face read exactly what he hadn't wanted Louis to think. He wasn't trying to act high and mighty and like he knew what Louis was doing wasn't good but he had already said it and louis seemed to be questioning why Harry was telling him basically that he was drinking too much. He was a grown man, wasn't he? He could do what he wanted and he was well aware of his tolerance thank you very much.

"I have not!" Louis replied back with a hint of annoyance in his tone and Harry shrunk back into the chair he was sat in as Lou excused herself from the situation not wanting to be caught in the middle. "I know how much I can handle Harry, I don't need you keeping an eye on how much I'm drinking." Louis continued his voice on the edge of angry. Harry just nodded along not wanting to make the situation worse. Louis had been on edge with anger for about a week now when management had pulled him in to talk about a holiday with Eleanor he was going to have to go on and continued to nag him about acting "more straight" they bluntly put it.

"Sorry love" Harry mumbled out and Louis just scoffed slightly walking off making a point to pour himself another cup of his vodka Red Bull while continuing to look Harry straight in the eyes as if mocking him. Harry looked away at the other lads who were watching the whole situation play out and just shrugged when Louis downed the cup before walking out of their dressing room.  This is not how he intended the night to play out. He was just making a point to tell Louis because he knew sometimes the drinks go away from you and before you know it you're too drunk to function and that was not ideal in their situation, about to entertain a crowd of thousands, and they were ideally supposed to be "role models" to the younger fans in attendance.

"I'm sure he's fine, you know how he gets when he's told what to do." Niall interjected as he gave Harry a pat on the back and Liam nodded along. "Just give him a minute, and I'm sure he'll have forgotten about the scuffle." Liam added and Harry just nodded hoping Louis would let it go and not act any more distant than they were forced to act out on stage.

The last 45 minutes before stage time passed relatively quickly and before they knew it they were all huddled together under the stage giving each other a pep talk and hyping up for the enormous crowd just beyond the opening of the stage. They were all smiling and laughing and luckily Louis appeared to have forgotten Harry's comment from earlier as he leaned into Harry's embrace for a cuddle and a kiss. "I love you" Louis whispered against Harry's mouth and both boys smiled into each others kiss. "Oi, get a room please!" Niall mocked a disgusted face although both boys knew it was only playful. "You just wish it was you getting pre-show kisses" Louis laughed and made a point to give Harry another kiss this time making sure to stick his tongue into Harry's mouth making Niall fake gag before they all bursting out laughing.

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