Harry gets sick at Lottie's wedding

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The day was finally tomorrow and Louis and Harry couldn't contain their excitement for Louis' eldest sister, Lottie.  She was finally tying the knot with her amazing fiancé, Lewis.  Although Louis had been the overprotective brother for years, Harry and Louis were beyond proud of them and the life they had created together.  Both men had spent the night cuddled up in bed together after the rehearsal dinner, remembering back on their own wedding, and talking to the early hours of the morning of their love for each other.  Weddings always just brought out the mushy gushy love in them, and tomorrow they would get to bask in the love surrounding the wedding, which thankfully was hidden from the public eye, so Harry and Louis could be together and enjoy it.

Morning came too quickly after being up way too late and with their alarms blaring through the room, Louis groaned reaching across Harry to silence the device and hopefully shut his eyes for a few more minutes before they needed to head to the rooms to start getting ready.  As Louis curled back up into Harry's chest, he felt Harry shuffling to get comfortable, "morning love" Louis whispered so quietly and Harry just let out a small sound wrapping his arms around Louis back, slotting a leg in between Louis' thighs craving his warmth. "Cuddly baby" Louis murmured out pulling Harry closer.  They lied like that for a few more minutes before they heard loud knocking at their hotel door and knew that it was Lottie based off the loud voice yelling at them to "get up and stop snoggin' it's my wedding day!" Both men chuckled before stumbling out of bed to pull sweats on to go join everyone else for breakfast before the days events began.

"Look who decided to join us.." Lottie winked at the boys as they made their way into a communal room where everyone was going to get ready for the wedding and it caused the whole room to erupt into giggles.  Louis just shook his head, wrapping his arm around Harry, "we were sleeping you fools!" He replied which just made everyone else laugh even more.  Everyone was sitting around the room and Louis took notice that Harry found a spot to sit as quickly as possible, not bothering to grab something to eat from the various containers of breakfast foods that they had delivered. "What d'ya want to eat, sun?" Louis questioned as he went to grab a plate and when he didn't get a reply immediately he turned back to where Harry had sat himself by Daisy just shaking his head.

"You not hungry?" Louis asked slightly concerned but not wanting to embarrass him in front of everyone so when Harry just shook his head no again, Louis didn't say anything else and just went ahead and got himself something, making sure to grab some fruit in case Harry decided to eat off his plate.  Sitting himself in a chair next to Harry, everyone in the room was talking loudly, I mean this was Louis' crazy family, everyone fighting to talk amongst everyone.  While everyone chatted, Louis ate, and when everything on his plate was gone except the few pieces of fruit he leaned the plate in Harry's direction, a silent question if he wanted it.  Harry just placed a hand on his stomach, his other hand going to push the plate away.  Louis was definitely getting a concerned feeling now.

When he stood up to throw away his trash he spoke, "gonna run with H back to the room to shower, we'll be back to get dressed." And Harry stood up with him when he said they were gonna head out.  Everyone gave them hugs and bid them goodbye even though they would be back in less than an hour to get in their suits for the service.  And when they were finally free from peering eyes, Louis asked what he'd been dying to ask in the room, "what's wrong with you, love? You feel okay?" And Harry's head fell slightly as they made their way to their hotel room just down the hall. "Stomachs just a lil' upset" Harry mumbled out not really wanting to accept it, but knowing he should probably tell Louis.  He didn't want to ruin anything, it was Lottie's wedding after all, but since they got up this morning something just didn't feel right in his belly.

"You ill? Or just an upset stomach? Anxious maybe? " Louis questioned trying to read Harry's face and body language as they got into the room and Harry sat back on the edge of the bed in their room.  He took a deep breath trying to gauge how he was feeling without stressing too much, "just feel a bit queasy I don't know Lou, I'll be fine I think" Harry responded as he fell back against the bed his hand going to rest on his stomach as it whirled a little with the change in position.  Harry wasn't new to his wonky stomach, it chose to act up randomly and apparently today was just going to be one of those days.  Louis was aware of Harry's uneasy stomach, anxiety sometimes plagued him randomly, and with the wedding today, and lots going on, it could definitely lead to an uneasy stomach for H.

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