He gets sick on the bus (Zayn)

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"My stomach hurts!" Zayn yelled through the bus

You and the boys rolled your eyes as Zayn was complaining once again.

Zayn had been complaining of his stomach hurting for the past hour and you all knew he was trying to get attention. The boys were leaving him out of the conversations and he was pouting.

"When will he shut up?" Niall said frustrated as he tried to tell a story

Zayn walked into the back room sitting on you lap burying his head in your shoulder.

"What do you want babe?" You asked trying to sound kind

You heard him sniff making your eyes dart to his as you saw tears in the corner of his deep brown eyes.

"Zayn.... Why are you crying!?" You asked frantically feeling kinda bad now

"M-my belly h-hurts" he cried into your neck making you frown

"Shut up! Your just doing this for attention!" Louis shouted walking out out of the room

Zayn began to cry harder as you sent a worried look towards the rest of the boys.

"Where does it hurt?" You finally asked trying to find out something about his stomach

"Right h-here" Zayn whimpered pointing toward the middle of his stomach as well as pointing closer to his pelvic area

"I'm sorry baby" you said realizing he actually was hurting this whole time

You gently placed your hand on his stomach lightly rubbing a circle on his stomach.


After about 20 minutes of Zayn cooling down and you continued rubbing his stomach he was starting to whimper and move around a little.

"You okay?" You asked feeling him tense up

"I-I feel Li-" he didn't get out his last words as he quickly jumped off of you throwing up all over the buses floor

He put his hand to his mouth as more vomit seeped through his fingers.

"Shit!" Niall said quickly pushing Zayn toward the bathroom as he was sick on the floor again in the bunk room

Niall positioned him over the toilet as he let you through and you ran your hand over his back.

"Babe.. Take a deep breath" you instructed as he dry heaved into the basin

"I-I don't feel g-good" Zayn whimpered over the toilet holding his stomach protectively

"I know you don't love, but you've got to calm down" you informed him seeing him tense up stomach the toilet

He finally was calming down and he sat back against the wall.

"You good?" You asked wiping his mouth of excess sick with a cool cloth

"Yeah" he whispered wiping a tear away swiftly

"You wanna go lay down or do you think you might be sick again?" You asked not wanting to make a bigger mess

"Don't let him leave that bathroom! I'm not cleaning up any more of his stomach" Louis yelled in the background

You chuckled as did Harry and Niall.

"So?" You asked

"I wanna go lay down" he whimpered standing up on shaky feet

You and Niall slowly led him to his bed helping him get comfortable.

"Do you want anything? A drink, food, bucket?" You asked caressing his warm head

"A d-drink" he whimpered as you quickly got a bottle of water for him to sip on

Zayn took a couple small sips not wanting to upset his stomach but still wanting to get the disgusting taste of vomit out of his mouth.

"Lay down with me" Zayn whimpered looking at you with pleading eyes

You nodded climbing into his bunk holding him to your chest.

The boys gently patted his back telling him to feel better and get some rest as they walked off.

"Sleep now, you feel better when you wake up" you encouraged

He nodded falling into a much needed sleep in your arms:)


Sorry I haven't been on in a couple days guys!!! My internet was broken and I couldn't get on:( I haven't seen many stories out lately so I can't wait to see some more!:)

Love ya


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