Zianourry one shot

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Liam and Harry were sitting at home with their 2 younger kids Zayn (8) and Niall (3).

Tonight was supposed to be family night friday but Louis their 16 year old son had decided to go out with some friends....

Harry was very frustrated and Liam was just as mad.

They were midway through the movie when the heard the front door opening and closing harshly.

Liam shot off the couch heading for the front door.. Their stood their son Louis.

"You finally decided to join us?" Liam asked as Harry walked over

"What?" Louis mumbled over his words

"Are you fucking drunk!?" Harry shouted at his oldest son

"N.. No w.. Way!" Louis stumbled forward falling to the ground

"Bubby!! Are you okay??" Zayn asked walking in right as Louis fell forward

"Zayn go take Niall upstairs and head to bed, we'll finish the movie some other time" Liam ushered the boy upstairs with his younger brother.

"Now to deal with.. This" Liam groaned helping Harry get him up off the floor


Liam and Harry got Louis on the couch laying him down.

Hes going to be in so much trouble" Harry almost growled

" uggg...." Harry and Liam looked to see their son trying to sit up

"Lay down!" Harry stated firmly pushing him back down

"No.... Im fine.." Louis mumbled going to stand up again

"I said.. Lay down! Your not moving off this couch" Harry yelled trying not to be too loud

"God, fucking assholes.." Louis grumbled laying back down

"You are grounded, no parties, no friends, a month!" Liam stated

"I don't care! Just leave me alone!" Louis growled in his drunken state

Harry and Liam ended up staying downstairs the entire night watching over Louis to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid and to keep him downstairs and away anything and everything.


As morning rolled around Harry awoke very confused as to why he was on the couch and not in his bed.

He then looked over to see Louis, and he remembered everything about last night.

He rolled his eyes turning to Liam," babe, wake up" he whispered not wanting to wake Louis

"Hmmm what do you want?" Liam mumbled turning around

"Get up, let's make breakfast" Harry said shaking Liam a little rougher

"Fine, I'm up I'm up!" Liam said sitting up then going into the kitchen with Harry to start breakfast for the kids.

As breakfast was about to be done Liam and Harry heard the sound of feet running down the stairs followed by a small voice," wait up!" The small voice said

Zayn and Niall trotted into the kitchen smelling pancakes being made.

"Daddy, Papa! Why is Louis still sleeping?" Zayn asked sitting at the table

"He's tired bubs!" Liam informed him not wanting to explain how he had gotten drunk last night

Liam and Harry brought the plates of pancakes over diving in!:)

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