Harry sick at concert

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"I'm not sure you should go on love.." Louis put simply as he stood over Harry, who was lying back on a sofa in their dressing room as the other boys got dressed and got their hair done, many other people bustling around in the room and hallway getting all the last minute things done before the concert would go into full swing.  It seemed like the day had flown by way too quick and when Harry had mentioned feeling a little unwell that morning to Louis he assured everyone that he would have plenty of time to rest and get medicine running through his system and he'd feel 100% once the concert rolled around.  But with the day flying by, it seemed his body hadn't had time to heal itself quite fully.

"I have to, there's nothing to be done.  Paul even talked to them and they said no, so I don't really have anything to say to change their minds." Harry shrugged.  Although he would love to curl up in bed he knew it wasn't going to happen and he would have to push through. Unfortunately that's how the music world was, or at least with their management and with Harry not totally down for the count, they expected him on stage. And Harry wanted to do the show as well, he couldn't discount that. He would never let himself live it down if he missed a show for a little upset stomach.  "It's just a stomachache, love" Harry tried to reassure Louis but he still placed a hand to Harry's forehead with a frown. "You're burning up, fevers high Sun." Louis mumbled as he looked around for the thermometer he had found earlier.

Harry entertained Louis' caring and let him take his temperature and when it read 100.1° and Harry made sure to tell Louis excitedly that it had gone down since they'd last taken his temperature, Louis smiled and tried to relax.  His temperature wasn't terrible and he would just keep an eye on Harry throughout the whole show, I mean he'd take the yelling at later when all the photos and videos of Louis fonding over Harry hit twitter and #LarryStylinson started trending for just about the hundredth time. Hell, he'd take managements scolding if it meant he got to show Harry love any day.

"Just make sure to tell me or someone if you start to feel worse, you don't need to hide it. The boys will help you too if you need it." Louis told Harry wanting to make sure he knew that they were all there for him. Harry normally liked to keep his illnesses quiet until he quite literally couldn't hide it anymore but he had been working on opening up and getting help when he needed it. " I promise I will, I do need to take some more medicine before stage." Harry responded out as he stood and started searching for the medicine he had taken earlier. Louis found it before he did and deposited the stomach relaxers into Harry's hand, standing on his toes to place a kiss to Harry's head.

When all the boys had finished getting ready and they had yelled out their handshake as the music rang louder through the arena Louis gave Harry one last kiss on the lips and then they were singing the starting words as they launched onto stage from their underground platforms. And just like that Harry's illness was long forgotten for now as the energy of the crowd gave a sort of adrenaline that just couldn't be described.

And like Louis had promised, he was keeping an eye on Harry, although he had started to let up because Harry did seem to be in good spirits and didn't appear ill, Louis knew though that he was good at hiding it. When he caught a glimpse of Harry wincing as he drank a sip of water before setting it down gently grimacing slightly, Louis gave a worried look with a quirk of his eyebrow at his love. Harry tried to smile back at him not wanting Louis to start worrying. Yeah Harry's stomach had started to hurt a little bit more than it had earlier, but he would be fine. He just had to keep pushing on and not let the sick feeling overpower him. Mind over matter or something like that.  Or that's at least what he told himself.

It was as teenage dirtbag started that Harry felt something like a switch go off and all of his adrenaline wore out and a sour feeling twisted in his gut making him wince.  He looked around briefly and nobody was looking at him, or at least Louis wasn't so he wasn't caught. They only had about 5 songs left, he would be fine, he kept telling himself.   As the music played through the arena Harry knew he appeared restless, he could see that fans in the front rows were giving him odd looks and screaming out asking if he was okay.  He knew he needed to pull it together or else Louis was going to notice he wasn't feeling well and then they would get in trouble because Louis just had to take care of him.  He obviously appreciated that he loved him so much, he just didn't want the repercussions of the love, like making Louis go on more pap walks.

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