He wakes you up at night sick (Zayn)

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Zayn wasn't much of a complainer but when things got hard he couldn't hold everything in forever. So when he woke up with a migraine he knew he couldn't take care of it on his own.

"Y/n will you wake up?" Zayn rasped out

You groaned rolling over. "What?" You asked

"I don't feel good........ I have a migraine" zayn whispered

You leaned over touching Zayn's head to find it warm. He sighed into your touch asking for more head rubbing

You patted your lap for Zayn to come and lay his head.

He gently moved over. "Thanks" he said letting you do your magic

You gently massaged his head and scalp trying not to irritate his head too much but still wanting to make it feel better.

"Love......" Zayn whispered "I think I might be sick"

"Okay" you said as you grabbed the trash can from the ground by your bed

You helped Zayn sit up slightly and he leaned his head towards the trash. Nothing was coming up but he could feel the whirling.

"Y/n my stomach is really queasy..." Zayn whimpered

"Baby I think you need to try and let everything out.... It will make your stomach feel better." You told Zayn

He looked into the trash once more and his stomach lurched forward and everything came spewing out his mouth.

You rubbed his back as he sobbed and puked probably from the migraine getting worse. You jumped out of bed grabbing some medicine and a cool cloth.

You walked back into the room and Zayn was lying down with his eyes closed tightly and he had his hands over his head.

You slipped the pills into his mouth giving him a drink before lying him back down and putting the cool flannel on his forehead.

He sighed the coolness soothing his aching head, "thank you baby for taking care of me" Zayn whispered falling into a deep sleep.


Well that's it for tonight I think I did pretty good working with my eyes falling shut! Lol hope you like it!?!?

Love ya


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