Zayn sick one shot

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It was a quiet day on the bus. Not much of anything was going on and almost everybody was catching up on some sleep.

Harry had been the only one awake besides you so you opted to watch some tv and relax. Being on tour all the time definitely made them very tired.

"So how's tour been?" You asked as you had just joined them on tour yesterday

"Great actually! The fans are amazing" Harry responded taking his eyes from the screen to see Zayn walk into the front room

"Hey" you smiled

Zayn walked toward you his big comforter from his bunk wrapped around his shoulders as well as his "I love Ziam" pillow you had bought him as a joke a while back.

He sat his pillow on the couch placing himself right in your lap making you grunt a little as he wrapped himself back up in his blanket laying against your shoulder.

"Aww" Harry joked pulling out his phone snapping a picture of the cute sight

"Zayn what are you doing?" You asked looking down at him

But he was already asleep eyes shut closed tightly limbs tangled in the blankets.

"He's sleeping already" you whispered chuckling

Harry cooed as you guys both turned back to the tv continuing your movie marathon together.


"He's really hot" you grounded trying to readjust his sleeping, lifeless body

And with your words leaving your mouth you felt Zayn shift in your lap opening his eyes slightly.

"Hey baby" you whispered running a hand through his black tufts of hair

"My belly hurts" Zayn whimpered out to you

"Your stomach hurts?" You questions eyes knitted together in concern

"Y-yeah" Zayn stammered wrapping one of his hands around his nauseous stomach

"I'm sorry baby... Do you want something?" You asked placing a hand on his toned stomach feeling bad that he felt ill

"No" he stated simply curling up more in your lap grabbing his pillow placing it under his head

You sat on silence with Harry and Zayn just hoping he would fall back to sleep and feel better soon.

"Y/n...." Zayn whined bringing your attention to him

"What's wrong?" You asked

"I-I don't feel g-good" he whimpered tears in his eyes

"Do you feel like you might be sick?" You asked making Harry sit up concerned

"I do'know" he mumbled in his Bradford accent

"Okay... Let's just lay down" you said moving him so his pillow was in your lap and his burning head rested there with his blanket still enveloping him

"Should I get a bin?" Harry whispered out

You nodded as Harry went off to find something incase he was sick.


"Here" Harry said holding out a bowl toward you

"Thank you" you responded taking it and placing it on the back of the couch incase you needed to grab it quickly:(

Zayn whimpered reaching for your hand placing it over his forehead and eyes," I've got a headache" he mumbled

"Okay..." You whispered moving your hand to rub at his temples and pulling the blanket up to place it over his eyes so the light sun didn't burn through his skull

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