He gets sick at an interview (Niall)

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"Babe.... It's time to wake up." You shook Niall slightly being the heavy sleeper he is he didn't budge

"Niall James! Get up" you yelled causing him to open his eyes and look up at you

"What!? Gosh you don't need to yell!" Niall grumbled

"Sorry babe... But you need to get ready the boys will be here in 45 minutes" you told him brushing the hair from his face

You noticed his head was a little warm but didn't think much of it.


The boys were all on the big black van headed for the morning show that they would be guest staring in.

After sitting in a car for about 30 minutes being the interview was 2 hours away Niall was starting to sweat.

"Niall.... Your sweating..?" Liam informed him and the whole van

"I just have a headache.." Niall lied wiping the sweat from his forehead

"Okay..." Liam said forgetting about it

But really Niall was starting to feel a little sick. His head hurt, his stomach ached, and he was sweating buckets.

They pulled up to the talk show all the boys getting out.

Niall stayed near Liam trying to stay away from people cause he was feeling sick having so many people around him.

They finally got into the studio.

"Boys! Go get ready!" Paul shouted as the boys nodded heading for the dressing room

Niall instantly went to the couch laying down pushing his achy head into a pillow.

"Mate? You kay?" Zayn asked putting a hand on Nialls shoulder

"Sjfehxhdrj" Niall grumbled into the pillow

"What was that?" Zayn asked not understanding him

"I don't feel good" Niall said looking up at Zayn sadly

Zayn looked at him concerned," are you gonna be okay?"

"I don't know...... I have a migraine and stomachache" Niall told him laying his head back down.

"I'm gonna go get Lou" Zayn said walking away to find their hairdresser


Zayn walked up to her doing Harry's hair, " hey can you help me with something?" Zayn asked

"Um...... Sure" she said

"Okay follow me!" Zayn said grabbing Lou pulling her to where Niall lay.

She saw Niall laying on the couch," what's wrong with him?" She asked

"He doesn't feel good." Zayn informed her

"Oh sweetie..... What doesn't feel good?" She cooed leaning down rubbing Niall's back

"My stomach and head" he said a test running down his cheek

"You wanna just lay back here instead of the interview?" She asked

Niall nodded weekly closing his eyes again Lou kissing his warm forehead softly.

"Feel better mate." Zayn said patting him on the back going to join the boys for the interview


Zayn walked up to the boys.

"Where's Niall?" Louis asked looking around for the young lad

"He's not doing the interview. He doesn't feel good." Zayn informed the boys

"Awww! What's wrong? Does his stomach hurt?" Louis asked

"Yeah and his head" Zayn said sadly

"Poor lad...." Harry sighed

The boys were ushered onto the stage.

"Where's your band mate Niall Horan?" The interviewer asked

"Hes under the weather" Harry confirmed


The boys headed backstage after the interview and to the dressing room.

Paul stopped them," boys you can't bother him" he told them sternly

"But.. But Paul.. Hes our mate!" The boys argued

"Shush! Boys he doesn't feel good! He wants to be alone." He told them

"We deserve to see him!" Harry whimpered

"Fine! But boys please be quiet he's not doing too good..." Paul sighed letting the boys in the room

They walked in seeing Niall sleeping with a trash can next to the couch.

He must of gotten sick they thought.

Liam walked up to the couch kneeling down by Niall.

"Mate..... Are you awake??" He whispered quietly not wanting to scare him

"Mmmm what?" Niall whimpered turning over seeing the boys standing there by him

"Hey.... Are you doing okay?" Liam asked already knowing the answer

"No.... I'm really sick.." Niall whispered curling up on his stomach

"Want me to lay with you?" Liam asked wanting to help him feel better

"Please....." He whimpered a tear sliding down his green cheeks

Liam told the other boys to leave and let him help Niall sleep.

Liam curled up behind Niall spooning him. He rubbed his stomach trying to make him feel less nauseous.

"Thanks...." Niall sighed into Liam's touch.

"Anything to make you feel better, now go to sleep." Liam said falling asleep next to Niall


There's the first of the series! Whatcha think?? No this is not a bromance.

Love ya


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