Niall air sick

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Niall had always hated planes. Since he was a young boy just the sight of a plane made his throat go tight and made him wanna be sick. He didn't know what it was; whether it was the fact he was millions of feet in the air or the fact that the floor was not very steady and was always moving beneath him, it simply made him sick.

Joining One Direction after the X factor had definitely taken a toll on his fear of planes. He was ALWAYS on them. Traveling from country to country, city to city, and the boys had figured out quite eArly about his air sickness.

For about the first year Niall was throwing up here, there, and EVERYWHERE! He couldn't do anything to help it and he hated it and the boys hated seeing him so sick. They didn't know what to do.

The lads got to the point where they couldn't even stand seeing their little Nialler so ill so they turned to the internet. Researching thousands of things to calm someone's stomach while on a plane as well as asking on twitter what could help with it. They tried tons of stuff and barely any of them worked for Niall, well except one.

Niall was sure he looked like a proper idiot when he did it but if it kept him from being sick 90% of the time he would do it. Niall would get down on his knees resting his arms folded on his seat his head in his folded arms. Whoever was sitting next to him would normally rub his back adding some more comfort as well.

So when it came time for the long flight from London to America Niall was slightly terrified he may be sick even with his techniques as it was a very long flight. Liam, taking on his job as Daddy Direction, made sure to pack mint gum, Gatorade, and crackers that Niall could munch on if his stomach started to feel upset.

"Niall did you take your medicine?" Harry yelled from the bathroom into Niall's room in the hotel. He defiantly didn't want Niall to forget that or he would be even more ill throughout the whole ride.

"Course I did! Don't want to spend the whole trip hovering over the bowl" Niall grimaced remembering their last trip from Australia to London when he forgot his medicine and was in the bathroom the WHOLE time.

Harry chuckled going to wet his toothbrush before brushing his teeth till they were sparkly white. With one last smile in the mirror he walked out into the living area of the hotel room seeing the rest of the boys crowded around with their suitcases and Paul waiting for him,

"Alright you lads ready to go?" He asked as they all nodded heading out of the room pushing their way through the hundreds of fans who crowded the car.

"Alright London airport" Paul drove onward toward the airport already a little late but making it on time luckily


The boys didn't have much security to go through just trying to get onto the plane before they were mobbed by the thousands of fans that were screaming and singing in the airport. Harry stopped to take a few pictures with fans while the other boys checked in before they were quickly pushed into the tube to get on the plane.

Normally going from country to country they took a private jet but for the long flight they had to board a normal plane already starting to fill up with pedestrians. Niall took in a shaky breath as he was already starting to feel quite claustrophobic in the tube.

Liam put a hand on his back guiding him to their seats which were surprisingly all near each other. Liam sat near the window, then Niall by him, and Harry on his other side. Louis and Zayn were both in the middle seats sat next to Paul right across from them.

Normally Niall could hold off feeling sick until they actually started flying but for some reason today was different and Niall was already starting to get a headache and his stomach felt slightly uneasy.

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