He gets sick when your parents are over (Liam)

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"Y/n......" Liam whined as you walked into the room seeing him sitting on the bed

"What's up babe?" You asked going to your dresser pulling out a pair of socks slipping them onto your feet

"Do your parents have to come over today?" He asked shyly

You looked at him eyebrows furrowed,"yes babe, they haven't seen us in over 3 months" you answered chuckling slightly

"But I just wanna go out with the boys tonight! Tonight was supposed to be our boys night!" Liam started up with the whole whining like a baby again

"Babe, we can't tonight. Can you tomorrow?" You asked standing in front of him

"No.. Louis is going to see Eleanor tomorrow" Liam said with a pouty face

"I'm sorry baby, but you can't tonight. I told my parents you would be here" you responded before throwing a t-shirt and jeans at Liam

"Get dressed!" You shouted as you walked out of the room to get your 5 year old daughter dressed


Liam quickly sent a text to the boys explaining the situation which they understood and decided that Louis would stay one more night here so they could hang out tomorrow.

As Liam pulled on his jeans his head became fuzzy and he stumbled back a bit catching himself on the bed post.

"What the" Liam mumbled after regaining his balance

Liam shook his head before retreating downstairs hearing your mothers loud voice ring through the house.

"Hello y/m/n" Liam greeted with a warm smile enveloping her in a hug kissing her cheek

"Wow... Liam you seem to get handsomer and handsomer everytime I see you!" You mom said sending you a winky face

"And your getting so big!" You mother said giving your 5 year old daughter a big kiss

"Thanks grandma!" Your daughter said happily

"Well let's go eat!" You said ushering your daughter and parents into the kitchen Liam walking behind them.


"This is lovely sweetie" your dad praised going for seconds

"Thank you" you said smiling proudly

You looked to your left seeing Liam had barely eaten anything and was picking at his food.

You kicked him under the table sending him a worried look. He looked at you before engaging in a conversation with your dad....

"You okay?" You whispered in his ear

"I'm fine" Liam mumbled before answering your dad

But really Liam had begun to feel sicker and sicker as dinner was passing. Liam had promised he would watch your daughter tonight while you showed your mom around town... But at this pace Liam didn't think he could watch himself let alone his daughter:/

"So how's kindergarden?" Your mom asked your daughter

"It fun! We draw pictures a lot and color!" Your daughter said with such excitement

"That's great sweetie!" Your mother said kissing her cheek

"So how's work?" Your mom asked you

Before you could answer Liam stood up from his seat mumbling a quick "excuse me" before walking out of the room toward your bedroom upstairs.

Your parents and daughter worriedly looked at you,"where'd daddy go?" Your daughter asked

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