Harry sick after hike in LA

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Waking up before the sun hadn't normally been too difficult for Harry, but after a night out, which of course was planned by management to continue to hide the Larry Stylinson rumors, waking up at nearly 5 am wasn't really how he had wanted to spend his Sunday morning.  With his alarm blaring through his and Louis bedroom in their LA home, Harry was quick to try and turn it off before it woke the sleeping lad beside him.  Harry let out a huffed breath as he turned to see if Louis was still sleeping soundly, and to his surprise, he was.  Thankfully they didn't have much planned today, except that he had agreed to go on a hike at the ass crack of dawn with one of his buddies long before the previous night out had been planned and he felt bad canceling.  So Harry grumpily got out of bed, being as quiet as he could to get ready.

After a quick shower to hopefully wake him up a little more, which it did, Harry went about putting on a comfortable outfit for their hike and went to their cabinet in the bathroom to grab a couple pain killers as the little bit of alcohol he did have the night before, left a slight ache in his temples which would go away easily after some water and food.  He didn't drink heavily often, especially not when Louis wasn't around to take care of him, so he didn't get hangovers frequently. 

Once placing a soft kiss in Louis hair and pulling the comforter up around the smaller lad, he headed downstairs.  Once in the kitchen Harry was quick to whip up some breakfast, just some toast and a premade smoothie, nothing to heavy since they were going to be exercising and as he was finishing up, he got a text from his friend letting him know he was pulling into the driveway.  Harry quickly grabbed his wallet and phone, before slipping on his trainers and heading out the front door. 

"Hey lad" Harry greeted with a smile as he got into the passenger side.  "Long night?" His friend asked as he looked Harry over noticing the bags under his eyes, and Harry shrugged with a chuckle, "management up to their shit as usual, just a party in LA, get the fans of me and Lou" Harry informed him.  His friend shook his head, giving Harry's shoulder a reassuring pat," sorry mate, that shits stupid, sorry they are doing it to ya" he continued and Harry just shrugged wanting to talk about something else.  He hated what management did to him and Louis, but nothing was going to change, so no point trying to fight it.

"So where are we headed?" Harry continued the conversation easily as they pulled out onto the highway closest to their home.   His friend smiled headed for the hiking destination he had in mind.
"Hopefully you're ready for this place, it's like a 6 mile hike." Harry normally wouldn't be too turned off by that but with the night before leaving him getting home at nearly 1 am, the bit of alcohol he did have, and the fact that he had woken up after only about 4 hours of sleep had him regretting his decision not to cancel these plans. But he shook that thought off as quickly as it came, he was in good shape, he could definitely handle a 6 mile hike. He just smiled replying "let's do it" and they fell into comfortable silence the rest of the drive.

Saying the hike was hard on Harry's body was an understatement. He thought he was fit for it, but clearly he wasn't and as they had just finished and we're gulping water at the bottom of the mountain he brought in a shaky breath through his teeth. "Jesus mate, didn't know I was so unfit" Harry laughed as they headed toward the car. He was sweating more than he'd like to admit, although his tshirt gave it away, the gray fabric turned darker in patches where he was sweating the most. "That was insane, feel good though that we did it" his friend replied and Harry nodded trying to even his breathing by taking steady breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth. His friend wasn't nearly as winded, but he also wasn't out late the night before drinking.

"Now you can go home and spend all day with your boy!" He chuckled toward Harry and Harry just shook his head as they loaded into the car and Harry was glad he hadn't driven because his legs were shaking and he felt slightly woozy. He definitely was dehydrated and needed to get more fluids in his body, not wanting to feel like shit all day on a rare day off with Louis. Chugging down some more water they headed back toward his and Louis home, radio playing in the background continuing to talk about how crazy that hike was. It was about an hour drive back home so they continued to catch up on everything they'd missed, knowing they didn't have time off to hang out as frequently.

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