Him and your child are sick (Niall)

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Your kids--

Daughter: 7

Kian(son): 15


You had been taking care of your 5 year old daughter the last week and she was finally better and back to school:)

You were at home cleaning and enjoying the quiet of the house.

You heard the phone ringing...

You: hello?

School: Hi, is this Mrs. Y/l/n?

You: yes.. Whom is this?

School: this is Kian's school nurse and he has seemed to have come down with something.

You: oh my... Okay I'll be there as soon as possible

School: thank you!

You hung up....


Quickly you got in the car going to pick up your son knowing he probably had gotten the stomach flu your daughter had had the week before.

You walking into the office," I'm here for Kian Horan." You said to the lady up front

"Okay, we'll send him out you can sit here." She said pointing to the chairs

You sat down waiting for your sick boy.

You saw him walk through the door, one hand on his stomach.

You stood up quickly grabbing his backpack leading him out of the school.

"How ya feeling?" You asked walking to the car

"Like shit.." He groaned

"Watch your language.. And I'm sorry you feel so bad:(" you whispered sadly opening the car door for him

You got into the drivers seat starting up the car," you good?" You asked making sure he didn't get sick in the car

He nodded laying his head against the cool window.


Luckily you didn't have any "incidents" on the way home and you pulled up to the house.

"Wake up baby.." You whispered noticing that Kian had fallen asleep

He woke up walking with you into the warm house.

He didn't even bother to do anything, just quickly layed down on the couch putting a pillow over his head.

"Do you need anything?" You asked resting your hand on his nauseous stomach

"A trash can...." He whimpered

You nodded understanding how bad he was feeling and went to go get something he could be sick in if he felt the need.

You placed the small trash next to the couch, quickly walking away hearing your phone ringing again.

You: hello?

Niall: babe?

You: yeah! What's up?

Niall: will you come pick me up? *sniffle*

You: oh my.. Honey? What wrong? Why are you crying?

Niall: I don't feel good..

You: oh babe... Kian is sick too..

Niall:please pick me up...

You: okay I'll be there soon!

Niall: thanks..

You quickly hung up


"Hey bud... Dads sick so I'm gonna go get him. Are you okay here for a few minutes?" You asked knowing the studio was only 5 minutes away

"Yeah..don't be long" he whimpered

You kissed his forehead heading for the studio.


You ran into the studio seeing Niall sitting on the couch with a bucket between his legs sick filling the bucket.

"Oh babe...." You gasped

"Yeah he's been sick a couple times.." Harry informed you helping him to your car

"Well I'll get him better!" You said getting in the car to head home.

"What happened babe?" You asked while driving home

"I didn't feel good and we were recording and I started throwing up all over the floor so I couldn't really record anymore.." He whimpered out to you

"Okay.. Let's just get inside and lay down" you said helping him into the house.


Upon walking Into the house you saw your son bent over the trash can releasing his breakfast.

You quickly ran to him rubbing his back as Niall hurried upstairs trying not to be sick.

After finishing you decided he would be more comfortable upstairs in bed and you could help both boys easier that way.

You got him situated in his bedroom heading to your room.....

Niall was curled up in a ball sobbing to himself:(

"Babe.. Shhh.. Your gonna be okay.." You rubbed his back kneeling next to his side of the bed

"My stomach..." He sobbed into your neck as you hugged him to your chest

"Babe... Don't work yourself up." You tried to calm him down not wanting him to get sick.

"Will you lay with me?" He asked finally calming down a little

"Yeah Hun.... Let me get in bed clothes" you said walking to get in different clothes even though it was only 2:00 in the afternoon

You got in snuggling up next to Niall rubbing your hand on his stomach in soothing movement.

"Try and sleep baby.." You whispered in his ear as you felt him moving around

"Okay.." He whimpered


You finally got Niall and your son to sleep:)

After many days if resting and lots of sickness the boys were back to normal any crazier than ever!!!:D


I hope you guys like it!! I haven't been posting because I was at a friends house all day friday and today and I'm finally back! Enjoy!

Love ya


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