Niam ~ Liam sick

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Niall and Liam's son Wyatt had been sick for the past 3 days with a stomach but that had been going around his school and boy did it hit him hard.

Finally today, Thursday, the 8 year old had woken up feeling loads better and ready to get back to class.

"You sure you feel well enough to go to school? You can stay home if you still feel a little unwell" Niall asked feeling his forehead which felt normal but he was still a little hesitant to let him back to class

"I'm fine dad! I'm all better" Wyatt replied running to the shoe rack pulling on his sketchers

"Alrighty, let me tell papa were leaving" Niall chuckled exiting his room to go wake the sleeping male

Niall slipped through the door walking to Liam's sleeping figure which lie covered by a mound of blankets.

"Liam, baby wake up" Niall whispered running his hand through his husbands lifeless hair which Niall loved

"Mmmm" Liam groaned rolling over,"stop"

"C'mon babe I'm taking Wyatt to school he feels better but you've got to get up were leaving for the studio right when I get back" Niall pushed

"I'm tired" Liam whispered turning toward Niall puffing his lower lip out

"I'm sorry darling, we can take a nap later" Niall leaned down placing a kiss on Liam's pouted lips

"DADDY COME ON! WERE GONNA BE LATE!" Niall heard their son scream from the bottom of their stairs

"Alright that's my q" Niall smiled heading out of the room but not forgetting to yell to Liam to get his ass up


Niall had gotten Wyatt to school and was heading back to their house now to pick Liam up and get to the studio.

Upon walking in he didn't hear any noise which worried him that Liam hadn't gotten up.

He quickly made his way upstairs sighing when he saw Liam dressed sprawled out on their bed sleeping soundly.

"Liam wake up" Niall coaxed Liam out of sleep rubbing his back slipping hand under his shirt to caress the warm skin

Liam's eyes opened seeing Niall standing over him,"Niall" Liam whispered closing his eyes

"Sweetheart what's the matter? Why are you so tired?" Niall asked beginning to get a bit worried that Liam may be sick or something

"I don't know" Liam whispered sitting up eyes still closed in an awkward sitting sleeping position

"Alright well let's get going" Niall nudged Liam as Liam got to his feet following Niall out to the car telling Niall to drive cause he was too tired

Once in the car Liam immediately closed his eyes resting his head against the window.

Niall pulled out of the driveway placing his hand on Liam's knee once out in the street,"I'll wake you up once we get there" Niall said as Liam nodded falling into sleep right away

Niall spent the whole drive thinking about what could be wrong with Liam? He couldn't be sick could he? He wasn't complaining of feeling ill or anything. Maybe he was truly just exhausted from the past few days of intense work and sleepless nights awake with a sick Wyatt.

Yeah that's gotta be it.


Niall pulled up to the studio and had an urge to let Liam stay sleeping and just take him home, no he couldn't do that they had work.

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