Louis one shot

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Faint voices could be heard throughout the bus as Louis tried to catch up on some sleep.

All the shows, meet and greets, and interview were really getting to him and he had woken up with a headache that only seemed to get worse throughout the day.

Louis moved to turn over when he felt his mind go fuzzy and his stomach turned slightly...

"Fuck..." Louis whispered to himself closing his eyes in pain

"Harry....?" Louis called out weekly

Earning no reply within a couple minutes Louis moved slowly out of his bed heading toward the voices in the front.

Upon walking in he was bombarded with questions.

"You're finally up mate!"

"We thought you'd never be up"

Whoa you look like shit"

"Thanks mate" Louis sarcastically responded to Niall's slightly rude comment

"Just statin the truth" Niall mumbled taking a bite out of his sandwich

"Do you have any medicine?" Louis turned his attention to Liam asking

"Medicine? Are you feeling okay?" Liam asked worriedly eye brows knit together in concern

"Just got a nasty headache" Louis said placing a hand on his head closing his eyes taking deep breaths to calm the dizziness

"Faker!" Harry shouted causing Louis to grimace

"Yeah mate you always are playing this to get out of the interviews!" Niall agreed with Harry

"I-I'm not faking..." Louis slightly whimpered

"Guys-" Liam was cut off by Harry,"Seriously Louis I know you, you're just trying to get out of the radio interview!" He said

"I'm not" Louis whispered unable for the boys to hear

"Let's go!!" Paul's voice boomed into the bus from the entrance

The lads ran off the bus as the fans screamed. Liam stayed back a bit walking with Louis,"seriously don't be doing this today" Liam said walking off ahead to be with the other boys

I thought he was on my side!? Louis thought to himself. Whatever


The boys were currently sitting around drinking coffee/tea waiting for the radio to start.

Louis had his head rested against a wall eyes closed trying to fight back the nausea that he had just started feeling.

"Hey, wake up" Zayn said nudging Louis shoulder causing him to almost fall over

"Stop...." Louis moaned feeling his dinner from last night creep up his throat but he quickly swallowed it down taking a sip of tea

"Hello boys!" A young radio host walked into the room getting Louis attention

He saw he take a seat in a chair on the other side of a table pulling out her mic.

"Go on ahead take a seat" she smiled gesturing toward the chairs

"Thanks" Harry smiled his smirky smile making her blush

Louis placed a hand on his stomach sitting down as Niall looked at him.

"Let's welcome ONE DIRECTION!!" The host yelled making the other boys scream along with her

God this was gonna be a long interview...

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