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8 months strong into tour and things were going great! Although they hadn't seem their families they were pushing through and knew they'd be able to go home soon.

All the boys seemed to have it together and had stayed quite sane.

Well except Niall...

He had really missed home. He missed seeing his mum and father and he just really wanted to see them :(

But the boys didn't know this.


"Niall! C'mon mate it's time to get up!" Liam yelled as he walked toward Niall's bunk pulling open the dark red curtain

Niall lay curled up in a ball tears in his eyes sniffles escaping silently.

"Ni get up" Liam placed a hand on Niall's back rubbing it slightly trying to ease him out of sleep

Liam hadn't realized Niall was awake till a small sob escaped Niall's parted lips.

"Nialler? You alright?" Liam asked going into daddy direction mode

Niall shook his head letting tears pour down his cheeks not even caring anymore. He just wanted to go home and see his mum.

"Woah mate.. It's alright, whats wrong?" Liam asked furrowing his eyebrows concerned as to why his best mate was crying all do suddenly

"I-I-I want-t to go h-home" Niall hiccuped in between breaths of air making his words come out slurred and stuttered together

"Aww Ni.. Why?" Liam asked continuing to rub his back in a comforting manner

"I want mum" Niall cried but was slightly calming down

Liam sighed remembering Niall was always the first to get homesick and being on tour for 9 months and not being able to see his family at all was probably finally catching up to him.

"Do you wanna go eat something and give her a call?" Liam asked trying to find something that might help with his homesickness

Niall nodded his head slipping out of his bunk Liam guiding him to the front of the bus, his hand resting on Niall's lower back.

"Here call her and I'll make you something to eat" Liam smiled a small smile going to the little kitchen area to get Niall something to eat while he talked to his mum


"Mum, I miss you.." Niall whimpered right as she answered the call

"I miss you too baby! How's tour?" She asked as she didn't realize that Niall had been in such a distressed state

"Mum I really miss you" Niall's voice cracked as he spoke into the phone breaking out into fresh sobs

"Niall, sweetie what's wrong?" She asked concerned hearing her baby boy cry into the phone

"I-I really miss you and I wanna come home and I miss you a lot!" Niall cried loudly making Liam send sad eyes toward Niall becoming very concerned

The other boys were outside kicking the football around and didn't even know what was happening inside the bus.

"Niall baby... You'll be able to come home next month, I miss you so much too. You'll be able to see me soon sweetheart" she said her own eyes leaking tears

Liam came and sat next to Niall setting the eggs he had made him on the table and rubbing Niall's back as he cried to his mum on the phone.

"I love you too" Niall whispered into the phone before hanging up

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