He's sick and alone with your kids (Harry)

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It was a Saturday and you had to go into work while Harry stayed home with your 3 kids! About an hour after you left Harry started feeling a little sick to his stomach:(

He was confused why he was feeling sick but knew he had to stay with your kids.

Walking downstairs Harry sat down on the couch next to his youngest daughter.

"Hi daddy!" She exclaimed

"Hi baby." Harry whispered

"You wanna play barbies with me?" Asked her Harry

"Um...... Sure" Harry said nervously not knowing if his stomach could handle that.

About 10 minutes into playing Harry's stomach started acting up and he felt like he might be sick.

"I'll be right back baby." Harry said frantically getting to his feet running for the bathroom upstairs

Your daughter was confused why her daddy had run upstairs so quickly and followed after him.

Harry was kneeling in front of the toilet as vomit spewed from his mouth.

That's when your daughter entered the room," DADDY!" Your daughter screamed

"Daddy pukin'" your daughter said patting his head

"Baby to get buba(her brother)" harry whispered before heaving into the toilet again

Your daughter ran away to get her 16 year old brother, rushin back in with him in tow.

"Dad are you okay?" Your son asked getting a cloth for Harry to wipe his mouth

"No......."Harry grumbled throwing up into the toilet again

"Shit...." Your son said feeling Harry's head to find it warm.

He pulled out his phone calling you...

You: hey baby!

Your son: hey mom when can you get home?

You: um... Idk why?

Your son: dads throwing up and y/d/n is rubbing his back ....

You: oh my.... What happened?

Your son: I'm not really sure sis told me dad was getting sick so I came in here and he is throwing up in the bathroom

You: alright ill be home in 10 minutes

Your son: okay thanks I'll try to get dad back into bed

Your son: alright bye love you

Your son: love ya too


You walked into the house jogging up the stairs and into your guys bedroom

You found Harry laying down with your daughter, a bowl next to the bed on the nightstand

"Are you okay babe?" You asked walking over to Harry rubbing his bare sweaty back

" I don't know..... My belly hurts" Harry whimpered into the pillow

You sent your son to go play with your daughter just in case it was a bug. You didn't need all your kids sick! Harry was a handful in himself

"When did you start feelin sick?" You asked sitting next to Harry

He scooted over laying his head in your lap," a little after you left my stomach started hurting and I tried just forgetting about it but I got really nauseous" Harry sobbed out

"Oh baby... It's okay your fine" you reassured Harry

"I just don't like this....." Harry sighed

"I know baby. Let's just take a nap alright?" You said to harry getting under the covers with him.

"Okay" Harry said falling asleep with his head on your chest.


Hope it was good!!! I'll try to post some more tonight!

Love ya


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