He gets carsick (Zayn)

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You, Zayn, and your daughter (4) were all getting ready to head to your head to see your family.

You woke up nice and early getting everything ready heading to get Zayn up and your daughter.

"Zayn... Come on we gotta get going." You said rubbing your hand down his back

"Mm.... Sleep" Zayn mumbled into the pillow

"No babe come on you gotta drive I'll drive later" you said as he groaned getting up

He had bags under his eyes but you needed to make sure your daughter was ready to go.

The thing was as you walked out of the room Zayn whimpered rubbing his stomach feeling a stomachache come on.

He didn't need this today......


You guys had been in the car for just about 20 min and you noticed Zayn with a little pained expression on his face.

"Babe? You okay?" You asked putting a hand on his knee

"Yeah.... Just tired" he lied feeling more nauseous than before

You turned back to see your daughter was asleep and decided to get caught up on some reading.

After reading about a chapter you saw Zayn squirming around trying to get comfortable.

"Babe... What are you doing?" You asked

"Nothing...." He whispered sitting in the same spot

"Hmhmhmh" Zayn groaned scrunching up his forehead

"Babe.. Seriously what's wrong??" You asked annoyed that he wouldn't come out to you

"*sigh*. Mystomachhurts..." He mumbled quickly

"What was that?" You asked not getting anything that he said

".... My stomach hurts..." He said slowly

"You okay? How long have you felt sick?" You asked running his arm

"Since this morning..." He mumbled looking away from you

"Why didn't you say something? I could've helpep" you said

"I didn't wanna ruin-" he stopped and put a hand over his stomach

" babe! Pull over I'm gonna drive" you said quickly as he pulled over on the highway

You guys switched places but he kept the door open and sat in the doorway.

"Honey.... Do you feel like you might be sick?" You asked concerned

"Yeah...." He said shakily

You saw he had tears rolling silently down his cheeks

"Oh sweetie.... Your okay" you said rubbing his back getting out of the car walking around

He had his head in his hands breathing heavily.

"Mommy... Whatcha doing??" Your daughter asked waking up from her nap

"Daddy's a little sick darling" you told her rubbing Zayn's back as he layed his head on your stomach

"Is hes otay?" She asked making you smile

" yeah baby he's just got a bellyache" you said trying not to worry her

"Feel betta daddy" she yelled from the back of the car

You looked down to Zayn and his face was turning green. You moved a little so he wouldn't get sick on your feet.

He lurched forward sending his dinner and breakfast up forcefully.

"Daddy!!! You frew up!" She screamed scared

"Babe... Your okay... It's okay.." You mumbled differnt things in his ear

"My stomach...." Zayn groaned spewing up more stomach acid and food.

After about 5 minutes of puking Zayn leaned back in the car.

"I'm done....." He whispered wiping his hand over his face

"Okay I'm gonna get the bucket" you said grabbing the bucket putting it in Zayn's lap with his blue blanket

He snuggled up in the blanket face toward the bucket if he felt sick again.

You got into the drivers seat rubbing his sweaty back as you drove down the road.


You made it to your moms house with only a few accidents and your mom was there to get Zayn some crackers while you layed with him on your couch...

He felt better soon after and was happy to hang out with your family:)


That's the end of the series!! What did you guys think??

Love ya


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