Niall and Harry are sick together

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Louis woke up to the sound of someone in the hallway heading towards the kitchen.  He heard a cabinet close and feet coming back upstairs.  He decided he would go investigate the bedrooms to see who would be up at 3 in the moring.

We'll lastly Louis came across Harry's room and knocked on the door.  He heard a low groan and took that as a yes to come in.  He found Harry sitting on the floor next to his bed.

"what are you doing on the floor?" Louis asked skeptically 

"I dont feel that good....." Harry answered back

"does your stomach hurt or is it your head?" Louis asked the poor boy

"My stomach...." Harry groaned pulling his knees up to his chest and putting his head in between his knees.  

"well i would start with actually being in bed....Need some help?" Louis asked Harry

"yeah thanks."  Harry replied weekly

Once up into his bed Harry started to fidget trying to get in a comfortable position for his sore stomach.  Louis left Harry to get back to sleep while going to his room to get some sleep aswell.  


"Louis....... please wake up..." Louis heard the faint whimper of someone.  Turning over in his bed he saw the sad eyes of Niall looking down at him.  

"What's wrong?" louis asked concerned at the boys tear filled eyes.

"My belly hurts" Niall whimpered and then let out a painful sob.

Louis jumped out of bed engulfing Niall into a comforting hug, not too tight though not wanting to upset his stomach anymore than it probably was.  

"do you feel like you might get sick?" louis asked concerned edged in his voice

"Yeah" Niall sobbed into Louis' neck.   

"hey its okay Nialler well make you all better."  Louis tried to comfort the younger boy


Once Niall was given the nasty medicine he was sent to bed with a small bowl and was told to yell for Louis if he started to feel more sick

Louis entered Harry's room to see if he was feeling better or if he had what Niall had woken up with this morning.  The sight in front of him was not what he wanted to see.......

Harry was bent over the side of his bed vomiting heavily onto the green rug that was at the side of his bed.  Louis rushed over to get the boy to the bathroom.

Harry continued to heave onto the floor until he was in the bathroom where he fell over the toilet couching violently into the basin.  

" head.." Harry whimpered

"does your head hurt?"  Louis asked Harry while smoothing the sweaty hair from his red face.

"yeah........ i cant see it hurts so much..." Harry sobbed into the toilet.

Louis pulled Harry from the toilet flushing its contents and rubbing Harry's back as he sobbed into his chest.  Harry was starting to calm down so Louis pulled him away from his chest. 

"are you okay?"  Louis asked concerned

"yeah.... but my head hurts like hell." Harry informed Louis

"well i think you and Niall have the same thing. He woke up with Morning with a stomach ache and thought he was going to throw up."  Louis told Harry

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