He gets sick after a breakup (Louis)

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"IM DONE!!!" You screamed at Louis

The tabloids were going crazy about how Louis was seen with Eleanor again over break.

"You were seeing her! I can't believe you would do this" you screamed starting to cry as you ran out of your guys shared apartment

Louis fell to his knees limply beginning to sob while screaming for you to come back.

But you were already gone......


You had been gone since yesterday and Louis was still on the floor in a crying mess.

As Louis stood up on shaky feet he felt his stomach whirl.

He grabbed his stomach bending over trying not to be sick on his newly polished floors.

"Shit!" Louis whimpered rushing toward the bathroom as his stomach lurched and a little puddle of sick fell onto the floor.

Luckily he made it to the bathroom before he made a bigger mess:(

As Louis continued to be sick he only wished you were there to rub his back and whisper soothing words in his ear.

He had started to sob making him gag again as more food poured from his mouth.

He finally got a break from being sick and quickly dialed Liam.


Liam: hello?

Louis: he-hello

Liam: what's wrong mate? Are you crying?

Louis: help me

Liam: mate what's wrong!!??

Louis:*gag* I'm sick..

Liam: shit! Where's y/n?

Louis: she broke up with me *sob*

Liam: oh Lou.... I'm so sorry I'll be there right away

Louis hung up clinging to the toilet again....


"Louis! Where are you?" Liam yelled through the house

"Bathroom..." Louis croaked out

Liam jogged toward the bathroom passing the puddle of sick that Louis hadn't been able to clean up as he was stuck next to the toilet.

Liam walked in," oh my... Your really sick." Liam pointed out

"No duh" Louis said sassily

Louis was on the bathroom floor sprawled out with his head resting on his arms.

"Here sit up against the wall" Liam said helping Louis sit up

Liam grabbed a glass filling it with water," drink" he informed

Louis took small sips not wanting to upset his stomach anymore than it already was.:(

"How long have you been feeling sick?" Liam asked sitting next to Louis on the bathroom floor.

"Since this morning after y/n broke up with me" Louis whimpered laying his hurting head on Liam's shoulder

"Do you know what could have gotten you sick?" Liam asked

Louis shrugged not really knowing

"Do you think just being upset made your stomach hurt or something? Have you been crying a lot?" Liam asked wondering if he could just be almost sick from the breakup

"I dunno... But I have been crying a lot to be honest " Louis whimpered

"I think you need to calm down a little, your stomachs just upset from crying" Liam informed rubbing a hand over Louis stomach

"Yeah... I made a stupid mistake." Louis let out a little sob thinking about you

"Shhh.. It okay. Give y/n time if your ment to be she will come back" Liam reassure rubbing his back

"Thanks" Louis whispered

"Of course. Do you wanna go lay down? I'll stay with you" Liam asked knowing the bathroom floor wasn't very comfortable

"Yeah.." Louis whispered standing up with Liam help

Both boys made it to the couch as Liam let Louis snuggle up to him.

"Try and sleep.. I think you'll feel better when you wake up" Liam whispered as he turned the tv on low as he continued to rub Louis toned back

"Please don't leave.." Louis whimpered looking at Liam hopefully

"I won't.. I'll be here when you wake up" he assured knowing louis doesn't want to be along at a time like this


Both boys fell asleep together waking up later as Louis felt much better and built up the courage to go get you back.

You said YES!


What do you guys think??? I really like this:)

Love ya


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