Harry sick on a roller coaster

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Harry sick at an amusement park ~

"Let's go on that ride!!!" Niall shouted like a little kid as he saw the big roller coaster just meters away from him, the lads, and you

"Wanna go guys?" Liam asked looking around amongst you guys as everybody nodded

Well except Harry.

"Guys we just ate... Is this a good idea?" Harry murmured quietly

"Don't be a pussy ! Let's go" Louis said as the others agreed and you just shrugged pulling Harry along with you guys

As you guys got to the line you his talked waiting for the rides line to pass.

"Were almost there" Niall smiled excited for the huge roller coaster

Everybody was excited seeing the huge drop people ahead of them were experiencing hearing the piercing screams of people. Harry winced hearing their screams already feeling his stomach turn just thinking about going on the roller coaster.

He hadn't told you or any of he boys but he was scared of roller coaster. Actually scratch that; terrified. Since he was a little boy in primary school he had always hated them and they always made him sick.

"Take your seats" a voice came over a speaker interrupting his thoughts and he was being pushed into a 2 seated with you by his side the other boys ahead and behind their cart

"Aren't you excited babe!?" You asked with a huge smile on your face squeezing his hand with joy

"Of course" Harry grimaced sending you a fake smile

Oh no, it's going up, it's going up. Oh no I'm gonna throw up. Shit shit shit ! I'm gonna be sick

"Whooo!" You and the other boys cheered as your line of carts etched it's way up the steep slope of the ride getting closer and closer to the top

Harry stomach twisted as he glanced over the edge of the ride having to swallow down the hotdog and crisps he had just eaten. No no no Harry was thinking to himself as the ride creaked almost at the top.

"Here we go babe!" You squealed with excitement as Harry grabbed your hand holding it for the life of him

"Here. We. G-" your voice was cut off as the ride had reached it's climax all the carts falling strait down in a vertical angle

"AHHHHHHHHH!!" Harry screamed as his stomach rose into his throat as he placed his cupped hand around his mouth hoping the ride was short as he didn't really fancy having to throw up all over the other guests, you and the guys included.

You had been cheering with joy with your hands in the air not even noticing Harry curled up as much as he could be in the cart with his hands bracing his mouth as he knew it was coming.




You had noticed Harry's screams had died down and you looked over right as the roller coaster turned a sharp corner making yours and Harry's heads fly to the other end and that's when you saw Harry lose it.

Vomit spewed from Harry's lips into his hands landing in his lap as well as all over the seat even a bit landing on the white shorts you were wearing.

Your eyes creased in concern as you brought your hand to Harry's back as the ride pulled to a stop and another round of sick found it's way up and into his lap as you moved his head forward to where his sick spilled onto the ground of the cart and not all over his own person.

The other boys had quickly looked behind and in front of them hissing as they saw what had happened.

"You alright mate?" Zayn was first to ask from behind placing his hand on his back giving it a slight rub

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