Nouis sick

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In honor of Louis 22 birthday I'm gonna post a nouis!!



Niall woke up groggily looking over to the clock.


Why was his alarm clock going off at 6:30 am while they are on break?

That's when Niall remembered! Today was his loves birthday. He had a party he needed to get going soon:)

Niall eased himself out of bed not wanting to wake Louis as he went to make breakfast.


After many failed attempts at making breakfast Niall had prepared wonderful eggs, beacon, and a side of orange juice knowing Louis didn't eat a lot in the morning.

Niall walked into their shared bedroom setting the tray down going to wake Louis.

"Louis... Babe wake up" Niall whispered shaking his shoulder slightly

"Hmmm? What?" Louis mumbled turning away from. Niall

"I made breakfast" niall informed Louis as he sat up

"Thanks babe:)" Louis said picking the breakfast up to eat

Niall couldn't help but noticed the dark circles under Louis eyes and his pale complexion that his face wore. He hope it was just from being tired.

"That was great thank you" Louis rasped out still having his morning voice

"Your welcome" Niall said happy that he enjoyed it

" now get dressed the guests will be here in under and hour and you need to be ready" Niall play scolded walking out of the room with Louis tray


Niall heard the doorbell ring jogging quickly over to the door.

"Hello" Niall answered the door seeing Louis mom walk in with all the girls in to

"You girls look beautiful" Niall told the younger girls as they blushed

"Thanks Ni" the girls said

"I'll go get Louis he was just getting ready" Niall said rushing off to find his love

"LOUIS!!" Niall yelled into their bedroom

Louis was laying on the bed with his clothes on just staring at the cealing.

"What are you doing? Your moms here" Niall told him walking with Louis downstairs

"Louis!" The girls screamed having not seeing Louis in months

Louis hugged the girls tightly to his chest," how are you?" He asked them

"Good!" They responded

"Mom" Louis said smiling bringing her into a hug

"I missed you" she said kissing Louis forehead

"I missed you too mom" Louis said seeing her tears but brushing them away

As more and more guest started arriving the party was getting crazier!


"Have you seen Louis?" Niall was asking around trying to find him

Niall hadn't seen Louis at all while the party got bigger. He wondered where he could have gone?

"I saw him go upstairs" Liam said walking by seeing Niall looking for someone, most likely Louis

"Oh thanks mate!" Niall replied running up the stairs to find out why he left the party

Niall opened their door quietly snaking his way into the room. Louis lay on the bed asleep with a piece of bread in one hand and a sprite next to him.

That's weird? Niall thought to himself

Niall shook Louis shoulder waking him up," wake up babe"

"Hi" Louis responded

"What are you doing up here?" Niall asked sitting on the side of the bed

"My stomachs hurting.." Louis whimpered

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have post-poned the party" Niall said looking sadly at Louis

"I just didn't want to be a bother, a-and I-I" Louis starting crying knowing he had ruined the party

"No babe, don't cry" Niall quickly rested a hand on Louis stomach rubbing in small circles

"I'm sorry you don't feel well..." Niall said feeling bad that Louis had been feeling sick on his birthday that he was so excited for

"It's okay...." Louis responded

Both boys sat their for a while as Niall rubbed louis nauseous stomach.

"I-I think I'm gonna b-be sick" Louis whimpered sitting up letting his feet dangle from the bed

"Okay, here let's go to the bathroom" Niall said quickly guiding Louis to the bathroom before he was sick all over the floor


Louis knelt down on his knees feeling his stomach turn more and more just thinking about being sick. He hated throwing up

Louis let out a sob," no... Louis it's okay" niall comforted

"I don't want t-to throw up" Louis whimpered letting out a small gag

"Shhhh... Take a deep breath" Niall responded continuing to rub his heated back

As they waited for something to happen Louis body lurched forward and everything he had eaten came pouring out.

Louis let out another sob as more came out.

Niall rubbed his back trying to get him to calm down as crying would only make it worse.

"Babe... Calm down" Niall nursed as Louis heaves turned to dry heaves

Louis stomach had relaxed and he fell back against Niall wanting comfort.

"I'm sorry your sick babe" Niall cooed as Louis sniffed and rubbed his nose on his sleeve

Louis didn't have enough energy to respond as he just nodded.

"I'm gonna carry you back to bed" Niall informed Louis picking his weak body off the floor of the bathroom carrying him to the warm bed.

Once Louis was tucked in with his bucket within reach Niall headed downstairs to break the news or everybody.

Everyone felt very bad for Louis as Harry took over the party letting Niall go and take care of Louis for the rest of the night.


As Niall snuggled into bed with Louis, Louis snuggled up to Niall's form seeking comfort.

"I love you" Louis whispered

"Love ya too bear, I hope you feel better in the morning" Niall said wrapping a protective arm around Louis stomach:)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy even if it's bad:/ leave feedback

Love ya


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