3 Monday

41 3 0


My mom came in my room and said Elle it's your first day of being a senior wake up. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk great I'm a senior how fun I yawned and stretched. I forced myself out of bed my brother was in the bathroom so I went to his and used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth.

I walked out of his bathroom after I finished using it. I went into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and did a little bit of makeup. I went into the living room and my mom took pictures of me and my step brother. My mom is getting married soon and I'm extremely excited about it my step dad is amazing and extremely protective he's more of a father to me than my own dad.

I have been knowing him since I was 17 we have really bonded while spending time as a family. My mom and step dad got engaged on New Years and decided to get married soon this year. We haven't figured out a date yet but I'm extremely excited about it. I have a couple of friends at my school this is my second and last year here which is amazing.

I made a bunch of friends last year a lot of them were seniors and they had already graduated unfortunately. But now it's my turn to graduate I'm going to college after I graduate thus year which is scary. Me and my mom moved in a couple of months ago and I also fight with my step brother which is fun but also extremely dangerous at times. I always end up with bruises but always laugh it off because it's fun.

A little while later my mom dropped me and my step brother off at school he's a sophomore this year. We headed inside and went to our classes we don't do anything the first week of school which is really nice. I just can't wait for a vacation lmao I walked into my class and sat down in my seat.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down and the teacher took attendance. After our teacher told us the rules we were done I decided to listen to Black Veil Brides on my phone. I have been listening to them a lot more often I'm starting to develop feelings for Andy even though I have never met him.

I just wish I could go back to the concert my mom has been talking to Andy since I was in 11th grade which is fucking crazy. So apparently my fucking idol is now a family friend so hell fucking yeah I guess. I yawned in class and listened to music I already knew this day was gonna go by extremely slow.

A couple hours later school finally ended and everyone got dismissed. I walked out and my brother was already in the car I got in and listened to Black Veil Brides on the way home. When we got home my mom had already cooked dinner I changed and used the restroom and ate dinner then I went into my room.

I ended up chilling in my room for the rest of the night my mom and dad didn't care. My brother chilled in his room and played on his Xbox and yelled periodically. I ended up falling asleep while listening to Black Veil Brides.

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