26 Thursday

17 1 0


I can't believe Andy asked me to be his girlfriend at his show last night and I said yes because he is my favorite person in the whole world.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I climbed into bed and got on my phone and went on Instagram while listening to music I played on my phone for a while until I put it down and went back to sleep for the night.

A couple of hours later my parents woke up and used the restroom then they headed into the living room and made breakfast and also made coffee for everyone.

A little while later Andy and the band came over and hung out with my family I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room andy came into my room and smiled and said hey Elle I said hey.

I said I have to pack my stuff today Andy said yea me and the guys too I yawned and layed down on my bed and sighed.

I said do you know what the plans are he said nope I said ok and grabbed my phone and headed into the living room my mom said do you guys wanna go to a arcade.

Me and my brother said yea sure the guys said oh that sounds like a lot of fun I looked at Andy and he smiled and said I haven't been to an arcade in years.

After I ate breakfast the guys left and we all got ready so we could leave and go to an arcade I brought noise canceling ear buds because loud noises freak me out.

A little while later we all left and headed to the arcade I told Andy about my earbuds and he said ah ok that sucks.

After we got to the arcade everyone headed inside Andy stayed outside with me while I got my earbuds situated since it was loud inside.

After I did that andy grabbed my hand and we went inside I saw a bunch of games and machines that were lighting up andy smiled and said cool.

We walked around the arcade trying to find my family and also the guys after we found them we got wrist bands so we could play as much as we wanted.

A couple minutes later me and the guys went off on our own my mom and dad sat down at a table so we could all go play I decided to walk around with andy he was holding my hand.

I smiled and bit my lip and looked at him he was smiling while talking to the guys I don't know how I got so lucky to be with him.

Andy went to go play a game and I went on my own and played a separate game I won a bunch of tickets and I was super excited about it.

My favorite song came on and I smiled and tried not to sing out loud the arcade was full of people and it made me kind of anxious.

I put my tickets in a machine and it gave me a paper with how many I won on it I started walking around so I could go find andy or the guys.

I accidentally bumped into someone and started apologizing and then they turned around and my body went numb it was my dads new wife.

I smiled uncomfortably and apologized she said oh no Elle it's ok and she gave me a hug she said she was on a family vacation with my dad and her kids.

I said I'm really sorry but i have to go she smiled and said ok bye i felt like wanted to cry and throw up I had to find andy.

I accidentally ran into him and he turned around and gave me a hug and I told him that my dad was here with his family he clenched his jaw and said stay next to me I said ok.

An hour later we all met back up with my parents and sat down at the table I started getting anxious and continued looking around to see if I could find my dad.

My mom asked if I was ok but I couldn't hear her because of my earbuds andy told her what I told him and I looked at her and said ok I don't care he can do whatever he wants.

I looked at Andy and he laughed and said that is very true I was confused but just shook my head and played on my phone and looked for a different song to play.

We ended up getting a pizza and shared it together after we finished eating we cashed in our tickets andy won a giant batman plushie and gave it to me.

I smiled and gave him a hug we also ended up taking a bunch of pictures together which was a lot of fun we also did the photo booth and we wrote our names and the date on it.

After we left the arcade we ended up going to a movie theater after we bought our tickets we used the restroom then we went into the theater so we could go sit down.

We watched a insidious movie so it lasted a long time I sat next to Andy and held his hand because it's a horror movie the whole series is really good.

After the movie ended it was 11 pm we all headed to the hotel because we had to leave tomorrow which I am not excited about it.

After we got to the hotel andy sprayed the stuffed animal with his cologne he stayed with me in my room for a while until I fell asleep then he left and went to his room so he could go to sleep as well.

Andy also plugged my phone in and put it down before he left he also ended up taking a picture and putting his number in my phone then he kissed my forehead and left for the night so he wouldn't wake me up.

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