7 Thursday

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Me and my dad were going to drop my brother off at his mom's house tomorrow after school. I stayed up last night listening to music and playing on my phone. I ended up having a bad headache and I couldn't sleep so I took medicine for it and I couldn't sleep. My mom came in my room a couple of hours later and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up for school.

I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched my mom closed my door and walked away. I absolutely didn't want to get up for school I was extremely exhausted from my headache last night. I sighed and had to force myself out of bed I headed into the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then went back into my room and changed. I also sprayed some body spray on and and instantly climbed into bed and fell asleep. A little while later my mom called me I answered my phone and she said we have to leave.

I got up and took some medicine and put my shoes on and grabbed my phone and bag and headed into the living room. My mom said you guys ready I yawned and said I guess I don't know. A couple minutes later we left the house and I just wanted to crawl into my bed and go to sleep.

A couple minutes later my mom dropped off me and my brother and left. I walked into school and headed to class girls were laughing in the hallway I sighed and sat down when I got to class. I felt extremely exhausted I instantly fell asleep at my desk.

My friend sat down next to me and laughed and shook his head he said Elle wake up and he started shaking me. I woke up and said huh I'm fucking exhausted he laughed and said wake up. I sighed and sat up and crossed my arms over my chest and felt pissed. I was extremely fucking exhausted I kept yawning all period I felt like a zombie.

School ended and I slept through the whole day. I got in the car and yawned and said what the fuck I'm still extremely exhausted and I slept all day. After we got home and I ate I changed and plugged my phone in and used the restroom I fell asleep.

I have been having a horrible headache all day I just slept it off. My door opened I heard my brother say yea she's completely knocked out and he closed my door and went into his room.

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