21 Saturday day 1

16 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk I yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I heard my parents snoring and sighed I used the restroom then sat on the floor. I grabbed something to drink and the pizza box and started eating on the floor.

I chilled on my phone while eating food since I was extremely hungry. I watched YouTube and ate pizza and drank some Sprite. I was annoyed that my parents were snoring so damn loud. After I finished eating I used the restroom then I plugged my phone in and went back to sleep.

A couple of hours later everyone woke up and yawned and stretched. A little while later we all headed downstairs so we could eat breakfast in the lobby. We all got down to the lobby and got breakfast and sat down and started eating.

I said so are we just hanging out here for the day my mom said yea Elle we are. I said ok I saw a bunch of really cute guys stare at me I smiled and shook my head and looked down. My brother was confused but continued eating I still haven't heard from Andy yet.

I sighed and finished eating and threw my trash away and sat back down. My dad looked up things we could do while we were here. A couple minutes later we all walked back up to the elevator and got in it. We got back to our floor and started walking towards our room.

I stopped because I thought I heard Andys voice but shook my head and continued walking. We all ended up hanging out in our hotel room for the day since we were still extremely exhausted. A couple of hours later my dad left to go pick up food and he brought it back.

We all hung out in our beds and ate dinner and watched movies. I wanted to text Andy but I chose not to seem clingy. Plus I'm sure he forgot I even exist at this point which is ok too. I'm probably just another fan to him and that's it. I fell asleep a couple of hours later my mom fell asleep soon after and so did everyone else.

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