8 friday

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I opened my eyes and yawned and stretched and groaned fuckkkk. I got out of bed and yawned and stretched again I walked out of my room and went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I headed back into my room and fell asleep since it wasn't time to get up.

I woke up last night and picked out my clothes for the day so I wouldn't have to stress when I wake up to pick out clothes. I layed back down and got comfortable and ended up falling asleep easily. I smiled and got snuggled against my blanket I sprayed some body spray on it so it smelt really good.

I was planning on taking a shower after we came home from dropping off my brother. I decided to wear sweatpants and a hoodie. I can't believe it's already been a week since I started my senior year. I was not excited about the rest of the year next week we actually start doing school work finally.

A couple hours later my mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up for school. I groaned fuckkkk and she walked out and closed my door. I got up and used the restroom then went into my room and quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and climbed into bed and fell back asleep for a while.

 I got up and used the restroom then went into my room and quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and climbed into bed and fell back asleep for a while

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A little while later my mom called and told me that we had to leave. I woke up and got out of bed and groaned fuckkkk and put my shoes on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room. My mom said Elle your going with your dad after school to drop off your brother at his mom's house I said ok.

A couple minutes later we left and walked into school after my mom left. I headed into class and sat down in my seat and waited for the bell to ring. My friend sat down and said how did you sleep I yawned and he laughed and said mood.

We talked for a while then the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats. The teacher took attendance then the morning announcements came on and our teacher said well happy Friday I guess and we all started laughing. After the announcements were over our teacher said well let's play Kahoot.

I was excited about that we all got out our phones and got on Kahoot and put in the game pin and our nickname. A couple minutes later we all started playing the game every one was upset or complaining which was funny. I looked at my friend Miguel and we both started laughing together.

I said hey Miguel he said yea Elle I said we are graduating this year he said I know. I said you do realize you were my guy best friend he laughed and said yea I thought so. I laughed and playfully shoved him and we both started laughing. I said I got my braces off a couple of months ago before junior year finished he said no way awesome.

I said it is so fucking weird but I love it its not funny I had to wear a retainer every night before bed. After the game ended my teacher said Elle your in first place I said huh and I said no way and laughed. The teacher said Miguel your second he said oh cool our teacher handed us a couple pieces of candy I said thanks she said your welcome and she sat down.

We continued playing Kahoot for the whole period which was extremely fun. After first period ended we all got up and our teacher said have a great weekend I smiled and said you too and she said thanks. Me and Miguel walked to our second period i saw my friends and gave them a hug.

We all sat down and talked about our weekend plans and laughed together. Miguel had a girlfriend but I didn't mind I like both girls and guys which is honestly fun. One of my friends is a lesbian and she's the absolute best. One time she blurted I like pussy and we all started laughing together.

The bell rung and everyone came in and said hey to our teacher and sat down. The teacher closed the door and sat down and quickly took attendance she said so today is Friday and we probably won't be doing anything since we went over everything. We watched a movie in second period and talked to each other I bit my lip and shook my head.

The day went by extremely quickly since we did fun stuff in all of our other classes. In our last period we did a learning activity which didn't bother any of us since it was really fun. Our teacher told us what we were gonna start learning on Monday we all said oh thats fun. I looked at Miguel and he fell asleep and I laughed and said wake up and he sat up and yawned and said ok and laughed as well.

A little while later the afternoon announcements came on and the principle dismissed us and the bell rung. The teacher said have a good weekend and we all walked out of class and headed outside. I got outside and walked over to my mom's car and got in and closed the door. My brother farted and I said eww what the fuck and laughed I put my earbuds in and started jamming out to Black veil brides on the way home.

A couple minutes later we got home and went inside. I used the restroom then plugged my phone in and chilled in the living room. My dad called my mom said to her for my brother to pack his stuff so we could leave when he gets home.

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