15 Sunday

22 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I yawned and stretched. I started feeling sad because I miss Andy and the black veil brides members. They were all extremely sweet Andy was an absolute child he was extremely funny. I felt like I was complete with him wait ugh great we have to pick up my brother today fuckk. I dropped my head in my pillow and sighed and rolled over and got the hair out of my face.

I sighed and got out of bed I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I ended up taking a shower to help wake me up. After I got out of the shower I dried off and changed and yawned. After I walked out of the bathroom I picked my dirty clothes up and went into the living room.

My parents looked at me and said oh hey good morning Elle I said hi. My mom said are you ok I said yea I guess and I sat down beside her on the couch. She laughed and said do you miss Andy I sighed and said yea even though I just met him. She said awww honey I sighed and said mom no its fine she said alright.

A little while later me and my dad left so we could go pick up my brother. Me and my dad talked the whole way there I said are you excited to get married he smiled and said yes I am extremely excited. I smiled and said cool and I looked out the window he said you ok.

I said yea I guess so he said alright I said did you know that Andy got divorced he said no wow. I said yea I feel terrible and I just wanted to give him a big hug. My dad said well you and Andy would make a cute couple I said really he said yea me and your mom were talking about it last night.

I laughed and said oh cool he said yea she was talking to Andy as well I blushed and said nice. He laughed and said yep I agree with you on that I just listened to music and looked out of the window the rest of the way there.

I changed my lock screen and my wallpaper to photos of when we were at the mall. So now every time I look at my phone I smile and can think of the guys. A little while later we finally picked up my brother. I put my other earbud in and listened to music I really missed Andy.

Listening to his voice made me miss him so much more but all I ever am going to be to him is just another fan. After we got home we hung out and ate dinner and all got ready for bed later. I just stayed in my room while everyone laughed together in the living room. I ended up falling asleep while listening to Black veil brides my door opened and my brother yelled YEA ELLE IS SLEEPING.

I opened my eyes and said get the fuck out of my room and he slammed my door. I said ughhhh fuckkk you and I went back to sleep after I turned my music off.

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