72 Saturday

9 1 0


I can't believe my brother is 16 they made an appointment for him on Monday to get his shots so he is able to go to school.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and used the restroom then I headed into the kitchen and got a snack then I went back into my room.

I climbed into bed and played on my phone while eating my snack Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and rolled onto his side and looked at me.

I said huh he said are you seriously eating a snack right now I said yea I'm hungry he laughed and shook his head and rolled back over and went back to sleep.

After I finished eating my snack I put my wrapper on my night stand and put my phone down and cuddled against andy and fell back asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my parents woke up and used the restroom then made coffee then they headed into the living room and watched TV together.

A little while later I woke up and rolled off of andys chest and fell back asleep a couple minutes later a hour later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

Andy went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed his phone and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled over I said what the hell where's Andy.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and headed into the living room and said oh thank God Andy laughed and said huh I said I got so scared when I woke up in a empty bed.

He said oh yea I don't know why I woke up before you but I didn't want to wake you up so I came into the living room I sat down on the couch next to Andy.

A little while later my brother woke up and used the restroom then he headed into the living room and we all told him happy birthday.

My dad asked him what he wanted to do today he said go out to eat and watch football games with his dad I looked at Andy and he was staring at the floor.

I kissed his cheek and said are you ok he said yea I'm just not excited about going back on tour because I'm gonna miss you I sighed and said me too.

A hour later we all got ready then we left and went out to eat because my brother wanted to go out to eat we ended up going to Texas Roadhouse.

I'm not a fan because I had bad memories at this restaurant because of my dad Andy sat down next to me and held my hand I listened to music to keep me calm.

My dad told him when the football game was coming on he asked if it would start before we got home and my dad said no.

A waitress came up to us and smiled and wrote down our drink order she looked at Andy and smiled and winked he looked uncomfortable then he looked back down at the menu.

She said do you guys know what you want to order yet Andy said we need a couple minutes she said ok and walked away.

Andy looked up at me and said what the fuck I said I'm gonna smack her Andy said no violence isn't the answer I said she's a bitch he laughed and kissed my head and said yea.

Me and Andy continued looking at the menu and I told him what I wanted and he said ok sounds good Andy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I smiled and shook my head.

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