92 a couple of months later

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It's been a couple of months since Andy has been home and it's been a lot of fun we have been working on a new album and spending a lot of time with the guys.

Me and my girl friends were talking about going out and spending the whole day together I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

The cats were completely knocked out and snoring lightly on the edge of the bed I used the restroom then I washed my hands then I headed into our room.

I climbed into bed and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications and texted my friends back then I put my phone down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

Andy grabbed his phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and gave the cats some food then he made coffee then he also made coffee for me.

A little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

I grabbed my phone and texted my friends back then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen Andy smiled and said hey babe I said my friends want to hang out all day.

Andy yawned and said that's fine I don't mind I smiled and said ok and walked behind him and gave him a hug and kissed his back he said well I hope you guys have a lot of fun.

I pulled back and made a cup of coffee and started drinking it and also texted my friends so we could figure out the plans for the day.

Andy looked at me while I was texting my friends I laughed and shook my head Andy smiled and continued cooking breakfast for us.

A little while later Andy handed me a plate of food I smiled and said thanks Andy smiled and sat down at the table and started eating breakfast.

Crow started meowing and pawing at my leg I gave him a little piece of my eggs and he took it and ran away I laughed and shook my head and continued eating breakfast.

Andy said did you just give crow a little piece of your egg I said why he said oh dear God he's gonna fart up a storm we started laughing together and I smiled and shook my head.

After we finished eating Andy did the dishes and I went into the living room and sat down on the couch and checked my notifications.

Crow jumped on the couch and snuggled against my chest and started meowing I smiled and kissed his head and he started rubbing his head against my face.

A couple minutes later Andy came into the living room then he smiled and took a picture of me and crow then he put his phone down and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

I smiled and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I texted my friends then I put my phone down on the couch.

I said shit I have to get ready crow jumped off the couch and I ran upstairs and went into our room I yelled MY FRIENDS ARE ON THEIR WAY CAN YOU LET THEM IN.

Andy yelled YEA SURE BABE I started getting ready after I used the restroom then I brushed my hair and teeth then I headed back into our room.

I started getting ready for the day a couple minutes later my friends came over and hung out in the living room with andy.

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