38 Friday elle and andys wedding

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Me andy and my mom all finally got to Las Vegas yesterday and we were all exhausted when we got here cc was extremely excited to see me.

My mom and andys parents are sharing a room together and they didn't mind which made me feel a lot better.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked around and noticed I was in a hotel room I smiled and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room I walked over to the window and opened the curtains.

I saw all of the Las Vegas lights lit up I smiled and grabbed my phone and took a couple pictures then I put my phone down I have always wanted to go to Las Vegas since I was a teenager.

A little while later I closed the curtain and turned around and climbed back into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later I woke back up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I looked at myself and said well your gonna be a Biersack.

I smiled slightly and started getting ready I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

Andy was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly I texted the guys and they said they were hanging out with our parents I said ok and put my phone down.

I climbed into bed and grabbed my phone and played on it while Andy was still sleeping a little while later he woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

A couple minutes later Andy came out of the bathroom and said wedding day I smiled and said yea he said where is every one.

I said hanging out with our parents waiting on us he said oh ok that's fine andy said do you know when we are leaving I said nope he said ok.

I went into the bathroom and did some skin care Andy also joined we had a bunch of fun together I laughed and shook my head and said well marriage is coming.

A hour later me and Andy changed and went into our parents room and met up with everyone they said hey guys.

We laughed and said hi everyone else was ready to go I rested my chin on andys shoulder he smiled and kissed my head.

An hour later we all left the hotel and drove down the Las Vegas strip to get to the wedding chapel andy kept his hand on my thigh while holding the ring box.

A little while later we got to the wedding chapel and headed inside me and Andy quickly signed some papers and we went to get ready.

A nice older lady helped me get dressed up and she put on my vail and handed me my flowers.

I looked in the mirror and I couldn't recognize myself I bit my lip and smiled and said I'm getting married.

My mom came in the room and so did Amy they smiled and said aw you look so beautiful I smiled and they gave me a hug and kissed my head.

A couple minutes later Chris came over to me and he looked really handsome in his suit I smiled and gave him a hug.

Chris said all the guys were waiting at the alter I wrapped my arm around his and we started walking towards the corridor.

I could feel my heart race and I couldn't breathe Chris smiled and kissed my head and said its gonna be ok Elle I promise.

My mom and Amy left and went into the room and waited with the guys I felt my heart race slightly while I was holding Chris's hand.

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