57 Sunday

11 1 0


I can't wait until I don't have to be woken up anymore I'm so happy it is my last year of school completely a bunch of people at my school are going to college in August.

I randomly woke up to my phone ringing I answered it and said hello Andy said hey babe I yawned and said what's up.

He said we are almost done on the album I smiled and said that's good Andy laughed and said yea I had a sleep over with the guys last night.

I said well thats fun he said yea we have been talking about tour plans and also your graduation I smiled and said yea I can't wait for it.

Andy said I talked to pat and he's gonna give us off a couple days for your graduation I smiled and said that is absolutely amazing Andy said yea we are all pretty stoked about it.

Me and Andy continued talking for a while until I told him I wanted to go back to sleep he said love you Elle I smiled and said love you more Andrew.

I hung up and plugged my phone in and used the restroom then I climbed back into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up my mom went to the bathroom while my dad made coffee in the kitchen for everyone.

After my mom finished using the bathroom she went into the kitchen and made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My dad went into the bathroom then he went and made a cup of coffee then he headed into the living room with my mom.

An hour later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and made coffee.

I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on my phone while drinking my coffee my mom said Elle can you go grocery shopping for us and I can give you some money.

I said sure I don't mind she said ok I will send you a list I yawned and said that's fine with me andy called and I answered it and went outside.

I yawned and said it's so damn bright and sunny outside Andy laughed and said that must be nice it's cold where I am I laughed and said well that sounds interesting.

After I got off the phone with andy I went inside and got ready to leave my mom sent me the list after I changed I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room.

My brother came into the living room and said there is nothing to eat in this house my mom said Elle is going grocery shopping for us.

My brother said can you get me a new video game as well I rolled my eyes and my mom gave me some money and I put it in my wallet and left.

I jammed out to music while driving to Walmart I sighed because I have to go grocery shopping for everyone and I have sever anxiety and I hate going out by myself.

After I got to the store i parked and got out the car and closed the door and locked it I put in an earbud and started playing music.

I grabbed a shopping cart and headed inside music always helps me when I'm in public places because I always tend to get extremely anxious.

I grabbed my phone and checked the list and started shopping my brother kept asking me for a video game I didn't reply because seriously what's more important food or a damn video game.

An hour later i finished shopping and went in line to check out a couple of guys were standing behind me and it made me uncomfortable.

I put my stuff on the scanner line for the cashier I walked towards the grocery bags I heard the guys whispering and laughing together.

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