55 Friday

12 1 0


Today is the last day of the 3rd nine weeks then we are on our last stretch of school I have one C in my math class and the rest of my grades are As and Bs.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I'm gonna wear one of andys shirts today and also some sweatpants because I don't feel like wearing anything cute.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and made coffee then he used the restroom then he woke up me and my brother then he got ready for work.

My mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I changed my nose stud and septum ring.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room.

I put my stuff down then I went to go make coffee then I went back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom.

My mom said what did you make on your tests yesterday I yawned and said I'm not sure they are putting in our grades today my mom smiled and said ok that's fine with me.

A little while later my brother was ready and we all left and headed to school for the day I texted andy and they have been busy working on their new album.

After my mom dropped us off she left and headed to work on some errands for the day me and my brother went our separate ways.

I used the restroom then I headed to class and sat down in my seat I texted Cc to see how the album was going he said it's good they are working on andys parts now.

I put my phone down and started drinking my coffee so I could wake up a little more the teacher said she is putting in our test grades then she's also going to put in our midterm grades as well.

A couple minutes later Miguel came into class and he sat down next to me and said hopefully we passed all of our tests I said yea.

I checked my notifications Andy said he was gonna be busy all day I said ok and put my phone down and played with my wedding ring.

Miguel said you ok Elle I sighed and said I hate Andy being so far away he said where does he live I said Los Angeles he said damn.

I said yea so he lives pretty far away Miguel said well what is he doing right now I said recording a new album so they could go on tour.

He said ah he's a busy guy I said yea he is I decided to eat some snacks to help clear my mind and keep me distracted.

After class started the teacher closed the door and went to her desk and sat down and took attendance then she sent it to the principal and turned on a movie and started putting in grades.

I grabbed my phone and started playing on it so I wouldn't cry or fall asleep during the movie I also wanted to text my old friends.

A little while later I put my phone down and watched the movie my teacher had put on for everyone.

After class ended everyone headed out of the classroom and walked through the hallway I heard people screaming.

I started getting anxious a guy was slammed into a locker I jumped and Miguel grabbed me and we quickly headed to class.

A couple guys started fist fighting a bunch of people were filming it a bunch of teachers ran in the hallway to break it up me and Miguel got to class and sat down in our seats.

I said um the fact that is completely normal is absolutely crazy Miguel said well its public school I sighed and said yea after they broke up the fight the bell rung.

Everyone went into their classes and sat down in their seats and waited for the teachers instructions I sighed and played on my phone for a while.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the building I noticed blood on the lockers I said ew what the fuck.

I met up with my brother and we walked to my mom's car he said yo Elle did you hear about the fight I laughed and said I almost got caught up in it.

After we got in my mom's car we buckled up and went to go pick up pizza I texted andy on the way home to see if he was still busy or not.

After we got home my dad was inside I changed and made some pizza then I went in my room and hung out and played on my phone for a while.

My brother was in his room playing video games a hour later I went into the living room and hung out with my parents until they went to bed for the night.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room and played on my phone until i fell asleep for the night my brother was still awake and playing video games.

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