83 Wednesday

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We haven't done anything fun my dad has been busy at work we went and picked up my brother Sunday I really want to get out of the house today.

I woke up to the sound of kids running around outside I said what the fuck you guys should be at school I sighed and got comfortable and fell back asleep.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he made coffee then he woke up my brother then he went to get ready for work.

A little while later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

After my dad finished getting ready he left and headed to work for the day a little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

A little while later my brother came into the living room and ate breakfast then he went outside and waited on his bus to come pick him up.

I said mom we should go out today my mom smiled and said we can do that I smiled and said really she laughed and said yes we can go out i said oh thank God and she started laughing.

Thirty minutes later my brothers bus came and picked him up then he left and headed to school for the day me and my mom talked about our plans for the day then we got up and got ready for the day.

After we finished getting ready we left and headed to Clarksville we got coffee from a bookstore then we walked around the store.

I bought a book then we left and headed to Walmart and bought a couple of things then we left and headed to olive garden because we were starving.

Me and my mom talked about random shit and laughed together at the restaurant I got a glass of wine and some pasta my mom said how are you and Andy.

I smiled and said we are doing good he's been busy working on a new album she said ah that's fun is he going on tour after.

I sighed and said yea I just feel like he needs to take a break my mom said you should talk to him I rolled my eyes and said I did.

She started laughing and said I guess he loves what he does I said uh he definitely does and I knew what I was getting myself into when I got married.

I told my mom that I'm leaving Friday and she said I'm gonna miss you I smiled and said me too ma she said ugh I hate you living away so far.

After we finished eating we payed our bill then we left and headed home me and my mom jammed out to music together and talked about random shit and laughed together.

An hour later we got home and I picked up the stuff I bought my mom went into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on her phone.

I went into the living room and told her I was gonna take a bath she said ok sounds good I headed into my room and closed my door and locked it.

I turned on the tub and got some clean clothes then I went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then I got in the tub while listening to music.

An hour later I got out of the tub and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on I picked up my dirty clothes then I put the stuff I bought in my carry on bag.

I plugged my phone in and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and said when is bub coming home my mom said two hours I said ok.

Me and my mom ended up watching movies for the rest of the day a couple of hours later my brother came home and ate dinner.

I headed into the kitchen and made something to eat then I went in my room and grabbed my phone and headed back into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and started eating dinner and playing on my phone after my brother finished eating he headed into his room and played video games.

My dad and mom were watching movies together in the living room after I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Andy called and I answered it and headed into the living room and talked to andy for a while he smiled and said me and the guys are spending time together.

I said well I'm glad your spending time with the guys and not working on the album I smiled and continued talking to Andy for a while until he had to go I laughed and hung up.

I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and continued watching movies with my parents a little while later my brother came into the living room.

My brother hung out with us and watched movies together for a while after the movie ended we all went into our rooms for the night.

I played on my phone while my brother played on his Xbox for the rest of the night.

I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later because im exhausted from spending time with my mom for the day.

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