78 monday

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Me and Andy ended up going grocery shopping yesterday then we ended up lounging around the house and watched movies for the rest of the day.

The cats ended up cuddling with us and not wanting to leave our sides crow watched me take a bath and he got on the edge of the tub and meowed because he was concerned about me.

After I got out the tub I sat on the floor and crow started licking me because I was wet and he wanted to help me dry off I laughed and said thanks crow bear.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at the edge of the bed crow was staring at me and yawned I said huh he meowed and layed back down.

I said ok and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom and washed my hands and headed back into our room.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy used the restroom then he headed downstairs and gave the cats some food then he started cooking breakfast and also making coffee for me.

A little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen with andy he smiled and said morning Elle.

I said morning Andrew he said I'm going to the studio today so I can work on some lyrics I kissed his shoulder and said have fun he said thanks.

A couple minutes later me and Andy sat down and started eating breakfast together and talked about our plans for the day I said I might have a spa day.

Andy smiled and said well I hope you have fun I laughed and said I will he kissed my head and continued eating breakfast I made a list on my phone of things I wanted to do.

I said I really want to go on a trip and visit my mom and step dad Andy said you can go if you want I'm not gonna stop you I smiled and said ok.

After we finished eating we did the dishes then andy went upstairs and got ready for the day crow stayed next to me in the kitchen.

I smiled and looked back over my list and added a couple of other things then I put my phone down and headed upstairs and went into our room.

I layed down on our bed and crow jumped on the bed and started meowing I laughed and started scratching his head.

A couple minutes later Andy came out of the bathroom and smiled and said my favorite people I smiled and crow head butted my face I started laughing and kissed his nose.

Andy said love you guys I smiled and said love you more Andy leaned down and kissed me then he kissed Crows head.

He said I have to leave right now I sighed and said ok he said I know Andy grabbed everything he needed and headed downstairs and left and locked the front door.

I said well its just me and you crow he meowed and started making biscuits next to me I laughed and said I hope they turn out delicious.

I got off the bed and turned on some music on my phone and headed downstairs crow followed behind me I started on a load of laundry and made another cup of coffee.

After I did the laundry I headed upstairs and changed and started dying my hair after I was done I cleaned my body up and got everything I needed for a shower.

Thirty minutes later I washed my hair and took a shower and shaved and also exfoliated my body I got out the shower and dried off and changed I put some hair oil in and put my hair up.

I headed into me and andys room and put on some lotion then I sprayed some body spray on u headed downstairs and switched the clothes to the dryer and ate some lunch.

After i ate lunch I headed upstairs and shaved my face and did some skin care and also did a couple of face masks after I did that I put on some fake nails.

Crow sat on the bed and watched me the whole time I smiled and shook my head I did my eyebrows and put on a lip scrub then put on some chapstick.

After I finished having my spa day I headed downstairs and made a glass of wine I was only in a baggy shirt with no pants on I was also wearing socks.

I took my hair down so it could dry better I put my claw clip up and started cooking more food because I was extremely hungry I was jamming out to music while cooking.

A little while later the front door opened and closed Andy locked the door and headed into the kitchen and said well hello Mrs Biersack.

I jumped and said oh my God you scared the shit out of me andy started laughing and walked over to me and gave me a hug and kissed my head he said you look nice I said thanks.

He said you had a little makeover I said maybe he smiled and said I'm going change I said ok sounds good Andy went upstairs to change and I gave the cats some food.

A couple minutes later Andy came back downstairs and went into the kitchen I said the food is almost done he smiled and said great I said shit the clothes.

I ran to the laundry room and checked the clothes and turned the dryer back on and headed into the kitchen and smiled andy was mixing the food so it wouldn't burn.

After the food was done me and Andy sat at the table and talked about our day femme jumped on the table and layed down andy said dammit fems you always do this.

Me and Andy started laughing together I said hey she likes to be on the table it's not a problem after me and Andy finished eating i picked up the food while Andy did the dishes.

I went upstairs and plugged my phone in then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and picked up the food and put it in the fridge.

Crow started walking around me in a circle and meowed loudly I looked at Andy and he said what the fuck I said I don't know he laughed and said weird.

A little while later me and Andy headed into the living room and watched movies together for the rest of the day the cats were cuddling on the couch I smiled and took a picture on andys phone.

Andy said I'll send it to you I said thanks he laughed and said no problem and kissed my head I snuggled against his chest and got comfortable.

Andy said don't fall asleep because I don't want to have to carry you upstairs i started laughing and said I'll try not to fall asleep.

A couple of hours later me and Andy got off the couch and headed upstairs and got ready for bed the cats were sleeping on the couch downstairs.

After me and Andy got ready for bed we climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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