31 Saturday

15 1 0


My step sister was extremely loud when we got home yesterday my dad yelled at her to stop yelling and she said I don't care.

I randomly woke up to the sound of my step sister watching TV in her room and also playing on her phone and being loud.

I sighed and said fuck you I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then headed back into my room and closed my door and locked my door.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later even though my sister wouldn't shut the fuck up.

A little while later my brother woke up and told my sister to shut up and she continued yelling I woke up and yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!

She went quiet and my brother said thanks Elle I sighed and fell back asleep a couple minutes later my mom and dad woke up.

My mom went into the bathroom while my dad went into the kitchen and made coffee then he headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My mom went into the kitchen and made coffee then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch then my dad got up and went into the bathroom.

A little while later my sister went into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom she usually hates when she does that because she likes to be nosy and read my mom's messages.

My brother was busy playing video games and talking on the phone with one of his friends I woke up and said I hate this family.

I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into my bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my room key and my phone and walked out of my room and locked it and went into the kitchen and made coffee then I went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My step sis said did I wake you up I said yea your fucking loud for no reason she rolled her eyes and played on her phone I said hey you asked and I was being honest.

She said whatever I thought I can't wait for this bitch to go home and never come back because I'm ready to throw hands she said dad can you make me food he sighed and said yes.

I shook my head because she's 13 and doesn't do anything for herself and she's severely overweight and I can understand why because she doesn't exercise at all.

After my dad made her food she started eating it bothered me how I could hear her chewing that is my biggest pet peeve.

I ended up texting Andy for a while because I was extremely bored and had nothing to do I decided to go in the kitchen and eat breakfast because I was hungry.

I was sitting at the table and my step sis came in the kitchen and sat next to me it made me really uncomfortable because I don't like people around me when I'm eating.

She was busy playing on her phone Andy called and I answered it and continued drinking my coffee my sister put her phone down and looked at me while I was on the phone.

I said can you stop fucking staring at me your making me uncomfortable she got up and started stomping around the house I said fat ass.

Andy said what happened I said I told her stop looking at me and she turned bitchy Andy started laughing and said yikes I'm sorry I said it's fine.

I ended up eating and talking to Andy until he had to go after I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into my room and locked my door.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and put on Netflix since I didn't want to be in the living room with my sister.

I ended up falling asleep again because I was extremely exhausted a couple of hours later I woke back up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

I used the restroom then I went into the kitchen and got some lunch then I headed back into my room and closed my door and locked it.

After I finished eating I put my plate on my night stand then I went into my bathroom and took a shower then I went into my room and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I put my dirty clothes up then I did some skin care then I put my hair up with a claw clip then I climbed into bed and got comfortable and played on my phone.

A little while later I took my hair down and decided to watch some YouTube on my phone and also I ended up texting Andy and the band.

I ended up watching Sam and Colby because I love them so much a hour later Andy face timed me and we started talking about how tour was going so far.

Cc ended up crashing beside Andy and I laughed and shook my head Andy said is your sister yelling I sighed and said she never shuts up he sighed and shook his head.

I ended up talking to Andy for an hour until he had to go and get ready for the show I ended up watching some movies on my phone.

A couple of hours later I went in the kitchen and made dinner then I went back into my room my dad ended up mowing the lawn earlier because the lawn was getting bad.

After I ate dinner I went and hung out with my family in the living room we watched a couple movies together until we all went into our rooms.

I locked my door and used the restroom then I climbed into bed and played on my phone my brother continued playing his xbox and my sister was busy watching TV and playing on her phone.

I stayed up until 2 am then I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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