37 a couple of months later

17 1 0


We are going to Las Vegas today my mom wrote two school excuses so I wouldn't get in trouble andys parents are meeting us there and so is the band I'm super excited about it.

Andy is gonna drive me and my mom in his challenger my dad isn't able to go because of work and my brother but we already talked about having a little ceremony after graduation.

I can't believe it's December I only have a couple more months left of school we have Christmas break in two weeks and andys birthday which is also coming up he's turning 29.

I helped Andy pack up his car last night his parents and the band left yesterday so they are already in Las Vegas waiting for us.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

My bedroom door opened and Andy jumped and woke up my mom came in my room and closed the door I came out of the bathroom.

My mom said we need to leave soon Andy yawned and said that's fine she said I'm gonna go get ready we said that's fine then she left the room.

Andy got up and locked my door and headed into the bathroom and closed the door I said I have to pee asshole Andy started laughing and said oops.

I decided to get ready while Andy was in the bathroom I packed last minute things Andy came out the bathroom and I went in the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room with my stuff in my hand Andy was done getting ready and packed last minute things as well.

After we grabbed everything we needed we headed into the living room and Andy went and finished packing the car I had a monster for him.

Me and my mom both had coffee we left a couple minutes later Andy put the address in and started driving out of the neighborhood I sat in the back seat.

Andy turned up the radio a little I ended up falling asleep in the back seat while my mom and Andy were talking about random shit and laughed together.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched I noticed I was in the car I yawned and looked at Andy he was focused on the road my mom ended up falling asleep as well.

I sat up and yawned Andy laughed and said morning babe how did you sleep I said I'm in the back seat do you really wanna know he smiled and shook his head.

I ended up talking to Andy until my mom woke up we stopped to get gas and we also used the restroom and also picked out snacks we still had a couple of more hours left.

A couple minutes later we left the gas station and drove down the highway my mom decided to sit in the back seat so I could spend time with andy in the front seat.

Me and Andy ended up jamming out together to the music on the radio while he was driving down the highway my mom was laughing and shaking her head.

My brother texted me and said I was an asshole because I was going on a vacation without him I said I'm getting married so technically it's not a vacation.

I didn't want to deal with his bullshit so I put my phone down and relaxed and talked to andy about random shit and we laughed together the rest of the ride.

A couple of hours later we finally got to the hotel and Andy parked the car and went inside to get our room keys I stayed in the car with my mom.

A couple minutes later Andy got back in the car he told my mom she was sharing a room with his parents she smiled and said I can't wait.

After Andy parked the car we got our stuff and headed inside and went to our rooms the hotel was absolutely gorgeous Chris and Cc were waiting for us.

Chris helped my mom and Cc helped me and Andy I was busy admiring the room while they were getting our stuff off the cart the bathtub was huge I smiled and said huh me and Andy could fit.

I headed back into our room and Cc took the cart and left our room and brought it back downstairs after everyone used the restroom and changed they all headed into me and andys room.

We ended up ordering pizza my mom gave me a hug and said are you positive you wanna get married right now I smiled and said yes mom.

She smiled and said ok and I gave her a hug and said I love you mom she smiled and kissed my head and she said I love you too Elle.

I smiled and said ha losers my mom loves me we all started laughing together and I shook my head Andy smiled and shook his head.

My mom said Andy are you excited about getting remarried he smiled and said yea I have more hope for this one I smiled and looked down.

An hour later cc went to open the door and pay for the pizza then he closed the door and headed by over to us I felt my heart race slightly.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom and closed the door I felt like I was about to have a panic attack I took deep breaths to help calm myself down.

I splashed some cold water on my face and dried it I ended up pacing around the bathroom trying not to have a panic attack and throw up.

A couple minutes later Andy knocked on the door and said Elle I jumped and said yea he said are you ok I said yea in a cracked tone.

The bathroom door was locked andy said Elle please open the door I felt my eyes watering I grabbed the counter and started breathing heavily.

Andy continued knocking on the door and he said Elle please open the damn door I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees to my chest.

Cc ran over to Andy with a Bobby pin he said thank you Cc he said no problem and went back to everyone else.

Andy finally unlocked the door and opened it and he ran over to me and sat down on the floor and he pulled me closer to him and I started sobbing against his chest.

I said I'm scared about getting married Andy said Elle we don't have to I pulled back and looked at him and said I want to get married.

Andy said are you sure I said yes just promise not to hurt me andy stuck out his pinky and we wrapped our pinkies around each other's.

He said I promise on my life Elle that I will not hurt you I smiled and said ok he smiled and cupped my cheeks and kissed me I smiled and said I love you he smiled and said I love you more.

A couple minutes later me and Andy went back and hung out with everyone else I ate some pizza then I went and looked at the pretty lights out the window.

Cc walked over to me and said this is my favorite part about Vegas I smiled and said I bet the lights are gorgeous he smiled and said yea I agree.

A little while later everyone left and went to bed so we could get some sleep since the wedding is tomorrow and I'm super nervous about it.

Me and Andy stayed up for a while talking until we both fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

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