18 Wednesday

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I woke up to the sound of my family being extremely loud. I said guys really what the fuck it is too God damn early. I yawned and stretched and groaned fuckkkk I'm exhausted. I rolled onto my stomach and put my head under my pillow and fell back asleep.

A little while later I forced myself out of bed my brother was being extremely loud. I went to the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom and went back into my room. I quickly changed and grabbed everything that I needed and I headed back into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and sighed and yawned my mom said how did you sleep Elle. I said good and she said good I'm glad we left a little while later my mom dropped us off and left. My brother said Elle I said uh huh he said I'm going to my moms house this weekend I said I know.

He said ok and walked up to me and gave me a hug I said um ok bye and walked away. He said wow love you too sis and I laughed while walking away. I got into class and sat down in my seat I checked my phone and Andy said he was gonna be busy all day. I texted back ok thats fine have fun he said have fun at school 😚.

I smiled and said thanks and put my phone down. Miguel said hey Elle I said hey and he sat down and we started talking about random shit. The bell rung and everyone sat down in their seats I smiled and blushed slightly. Our teacher took attendance and the morning announcements came on and the principle said ALL STUDENTS NEXT WEEK YOU WILL NOT BE IN SCHOOL TILL THE NEXT WEEK.

We all said um ok that works too Miguel was like hey I can sleep in. I started laughing and said ugh I agree and now I can work on myself and we both started laughing together. We did work and talked about the work sheet and ended up laughing in the end.

After first period ended the whole day went by extremely quickly and it was really nice. Me and Miguel joked the whole day which was really nice. After school ended we all walked out of the building Miguel walked beside me and we both laughed together.

After we got home we all changed and ate dinner. I chilled with my mom and brother my dad came home and gave us all a hug. After I ate dinner I hung out in my room Andy was still extremely busy today which sucks. I told him goodnight and went to bed after.

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