4 Tuesday

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I woke up and jumped because Andy started screaming song lyrics. I laughed and said fuck I turned off my music and rolled over and fell back asleep because it scared the shit out of me. A couple of hours later my mom came in my room and turned on my lights and said Elle time to get up for school. I sighed and said ughhh I don't want to I yawned and stretched and forced myself out of bed.

After I forced myself out of bed finally I headed into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I headed into my room and yawned and changed and sprayed some body spray on. I put my shoes on and grabbed everything that I needed and walked out of my room.

I headed into the living room and layed down on the couch and fell back asleep. A little while later my mom's alarm went off and she said alright time to leave. I said ughhh I don't want to my brother laughed and said ugh I know right. We live two minutes away from the school now which fucking sucks ass.

A couple minutes later we left and my mom dropped us off and left. Me and my brother headed into school and went to our classes. I gave my friends hugs and headed into my class and sat down I yawned and said school yeay. A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down and the teacher took attendance and the morning announcements came on.

Everyone talked while the morning announcements were on. The teacher didn't mind and kept looking at their computer. A little while later the morning announcements finally ended everyone continued talking about random shit. I just looked at the floor and zoned out while the teacher talked about random shit for school.

I got my schedule yesterday so thats fun I wasn't excited about it at all. I didn't pay attention while the teacher was talking I just ended up zoning out for the whole class period. I sighed and waited for the bell to ring so we could go to our next class. I yawned and looked at my phone and went on Instagram I smiled when I saw that Andy posted on his story.

I ended up chilling on my phone for the whole period my teacher didn't mind since we weren't doing anything. The rest of the day went slow of course which was extremely annoying. When school ended we all headed outside and I got in the car and we got home.

I ate dinner and changed my mom wanted me to spend time with her and my dad. My dad said Elle how is school so far I said ugh boring we aren't doing anything and he laughed and said I bet. I went to bed at 10 pm I watch black veil brides music videos before I fell asleep.

I find watching Black Veil Brides music videos before bed help me to relax and sleep better at night.

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