We all continued walking through the sports store me and Cc talked about random shit and laughed. We took a couple pictures together which was extremely fun we started singing random songs and laughed. I let Cc listen to my music with me he's kinda shorter than Andy so it didn't hurt as much.

Cc said do you have a crush on Andy I laughed and said well since I was 13. Cc started laughing and said nice I said yea I know right. Andy started laughing with his friends and my dad. I said hey Cc he said hm I said you wanna sneak he said you sure I said yea let's go. He laughed and said alright he said ok we made sure no one was looking and we quickly left the store.

We walked away and Cc said ok now that we are free what do you wanna do. I said Spencers he laughed and said alright and we headed to Spencer and walked in. A worker smiled and said how may we help you I said we are just looking she smiled and said ok ask if you need anything we said ok and she walked away.

A couple minutes later Andy called Cc he said hello. Andy said Cc were the fuck are you and Elle he said um Spencers Andy sighed and said ok bye and hung up. I said who was that Cc said um Andy and he's annoyed I said yikes. We started talking about random shit I told him about my parents divorce and how it was awful.

I told him of it wasn't for him and his band I wouldn't be alive and he smiled and gave me a hug. He smiled and said well I am really happy that you are alive. I smiled and said yea I am really happy that I'm alive as well. I showed him my tattoo and told him the meaning of it and he said oh no way cool.

Me and Cc laughed at random shit I rested my head on his shoulder and he smiled and said your adorable. I smiled and said thanks he said of course I said I got my tattoo for my 18th birthday. He said yoo thats amazing he pocked my nose ring and smiled and said emo much.

I moved my head and said hey yea I and we both started laughing together. A couple minutes later the band and my parents came in the store I said hey guys. My parents said we are happy you guys are ok I smiled and said yea don't worry. Andy said what the hell Cc you can't just walk away with a random person.

Cc said look I'm sorry I said it was my idea Andy said oh I said yea sorry. Andy walked over to me and said why would you do that I said well I just wanted to do something spontaneous. He said ok I was just worried I said you were worried about me. Andy smiled and said yea I looked down and said sorry he walked over to me and gave me a hug and I smiled.

Andy smelt really nice I blushed against his chest I felt his heart beating against my face. I felt safe in his arms I felt complete again and he smiled and said are you ok. I smiled and said yea I'm ok he smiled and said good and kissed my forehead.

We all walked around Spencer and joked about random shit and laughed together. I bit my lip and shook my head I was listening to Black Veil Brides the whole time. A couple minutes later we left the store and continued walking around me and Andy kept talking about random shit and laughed together.

Me and Andy talked about our childhood and our past struggles which was extremely nice. I got to tell him thank you for helping me through difficult times and he smiled and said I'm happy your alive because I was important to him and that made me smile a lot.

We continued walking around the second floor a couple of fans noticed the guys and took pictures with them. It didn't bother me it made me smile and really happy because I would have been the exact same way.

A little while later we all finished walking around the mall and headed out of Dillard's. We all walked to the truck I turned around and Andy ran over to me and picked me up and I screamed and started laughing and so did Andy. He put me back down and kissed my cheek and said bye I laughed and bit my lip and blushed.

A little while later we all got home and I got some food and ate it. I climbed in my bed and layed down and charged my phone. I was too lazy to pick up my clothes from the mall my parents were hanging out in the living room watching movies.

I ended up falling asleep a little while later while thinking about Andy. I said fuck I didn't get his number and I sighed and felt my heart shatter and I fell asleep so I wouldn't cry.

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