11 Monday

28 1 0


My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to wake up for school. I groaned fuckkkk and said nooo she closed my door and walked away I sighed. I yawned and stretched I groaned fuckkkk and forced myself out of bed for the day. I changed and sprayed some body spray on then I went to the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then I went back into my room and fell asleep. A little while later we had to leave and I forced myself out of bed and put my shoes on and grabbed everything that I needed and walked out of my room.

I headed into the living room and we all left my mom locked the front door and we went to school. I didn't want to get out of the car when we got to school. I yawned and got out the car and my mom left and me and my brother headed into school and walked to our classes.

I headed into my class and sat down in my seat and waited for Miguel to get into class. My teacher said we are doing work today I said oh thats fun she laughed and said yep I know right. A little while later people started walking into class and sitting down. Miguel yawned while walking into class and I laughed and said mood he laughed and said yea I know right.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone else started coming into class and sitting down in their seats. The teacher got up and closed the door and sat back down then the announcements came on. After the announcements ended our teacher took attendance and said ok we are doing school work today how fun.

A couple of extruisiating hours later school finally ended I wanted to cry in math because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. We did our homework in class so we wouldn't have to do it at home. A good bit of students didn't do any work. After school ended I got into my moms car and yawned and said school sucks ass.

My mom laughed and I listened to music on the way home. After we got home we all went inside and ate dinner and hung out as a family. We all watched a movie and talked about our day I went into my room and chilled on my phone for the night.

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