84 friday

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My dad and mom are taking me to the airport this morning and I'm really excited to see Andy again I packed my bags yesterday so I wouldn't have to worry about it this morning.

A little while later my dad came in my room and woke me up and I yawned and stretched and he closed the door and used the restroom then he made coffee.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and continued packing my bags.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room and put my bags on the couch.

I made some coffee and started drinking it and used the restroom then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I made sure I had everything I needed a couple minutes later my dad came into the living room and we all left he helped me put my bags in the truck.

A couple minutes later we left and headed to the airport I texted andy even though I knew he was sleeping I texted Cc and was surprised when he was still awake.

I talked to my mom and said I'm excited to see Andy and the kitties she started laughing and said I bet I relaxed against the seat and looked out the window.

A couple of hours later my dad dropped me off and I headed in the airport and my dad left with my mom I bought my ticket and gave them my luggage.

After I went through security I used the restroom then I went and sat down in the terminal a couple minutes later Cole said Elle.

I looked up and laughed and said hi he said hey I stood up and gave him a hug and we looked at our tickets he said well looks like I'm sitting next to you again.

I said oh good because I don't do well with flying he whispered and said I know I laughed and said thanks he sat down next to me and we talked while waiting for our plane.

I said I can't wait to go home and snuggle with my husband and cats he smiled and said I bet Cole followed me on Instagram and we continued talking about random shit and laughed together.

An hour later our plane got here and me and Cole walked towards the terminal he said so how long have you been married for.

I laughed and said uh we got married while I was a senior in high-school he said wow I laughed and said I know but he is my best friend.

Cole smiled and said at least you have a really good husband we got in line and waited until we could get on the plane I showed him a picture of me and Andy.

He said aww you guys are adorable I smiled and said thanks he smiled and said at least your marriage is going well.

I said hey your gonna find a good woman one day he smiled and said I hope so I said you will you got to have hope and have an open mind he laughed and said ok.

I said I'm fucking exhausted so I don't know what I'm talking about right now he said you give good advice I laughed and said I just can't take my own advice.

He laughed and said I'm the same way trust me a little while later we got on the plane and put our carry on luggage up and sat down in our seats.

I texted andy to tell him I got on the plane and I will let him know when I land I also texted Cc he said I will pick you up I said ok sounds good.

I put my phone on airplane mode and put it down and we buckled up and relaxed against our seats I looked out the window.

An hour later the plane took off and I accidentally grabbed coles hand and he looked at me I said shit I'm sorry he said no its ok don't worry.

I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly so I wouldn't freak out Cole said breathe Elle it's ok after the turbulence was over I let go of coles hand.

I ended up taking a nap for the rest of the plane ride a couple of hours later Cole woke me up and I unbuckled my seat I laughed and said thanks.

Cole had my bag and I stood up and stretched and grabbed my bag and put my phone in my pocket and walked off the plane.

I said damn it's so bright Cole laughed and said yea it really is I texted Cc really quickly and grabbed my suitcase and used the restroom.

Cole waited for me out of the bathroom I laughed and said thanks we sat down and wait for Cc to come pick me up Cole said he left his car here.

I said cool he laughed and said yea I can drive myself I laughed and said I can't wait to see my best friend Cc he smiled and I told Cole about Cc and he smiled.

A hour later cc said hey bitch I smiled and ran to him and gave him a hug and he kissed my head and said hey lil sis I said I missed you.

I said I missed you more I introduced Cole to Cc and they talked for a couple minutes then me and Cc left he smiled and said are you hungry I said yesss.

After me and Cc left the airport we picked up food and ate in the car after we finished eating we threw our trash away and headed home I said does Andy know I'm home.

Cc said uh no Andy doesn't know I laughed and said ok good I'm glad I smiled while cc was driving down the highway I looked around and smiled because I missed Los Angeles.

A little while later we finally got to the house and Cc helped me get my bags out I smiled and walked to the front door andys car was still here so thats a good sign.

I put my bags down and Cc left and headed home I started banging on the door because I had to pee a little Andy opened the door and said Elle I said I gotta piss.

Andy laughed and got out the way and I ran to the bathroom and closed the door Andy brought my bags in the house and closed the door.

After I finished using the bathroom I brushed my hands and went back into the living room and gave Andy a hug he kissed my head and said oh my God I missed you.

I smiled and kissed his chest and said I missed you so much more he smiled and squeezed me slightly and I started laughing and said ow he said shit my bad.

Me and Andy headed upstairs and I unpacked my bag and brought my dirty clothes downstairs and picked them up.

Me and Andy went downstairs and hung out in the living room and cuddled on the couch and watched movies together for the rest of the day.

The cats jumped on the couch and started meowing loudly I smiled and crow ran over to me and I gave him a hug and started smothering him in kisses.

Andy started laughing and said aw that's absolutely precious I smiled and looked at Andy and he took a picture of us and put his phone down.

Crow layed down on the couch next to us and layed down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later me and Andy went into the kitchen and started cooking dinner for us I gave the cats food because they were hungry.

I stood next to Andy and watched him cook dinner he smiled and I said it smells really good he smiled and kissed my head I held his arm and snuggled against him.

A little while later the food was finished cooking we sat down and started eating dinner and talked about random shit and laughed together.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and the food then we headed upstairs and went into our room and got ready for bed.

The cats jumped on the bed and started rolling around I laughed and shook my head me and Andy climbed into bed and got comfortable and snuggled and watched movies together.

A hour later Andy turned off the TV and we got cuddled and the cats decided to snuggle behind me and we all fell asleep for the night.

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