80 friday

8 1 0


I really have to start packing today because I wasn't able to pack yesterday because me and Andy were super busy with cleaning around the house and hanging out with the guys.

I have to be up super early tomorrow so I don't miss my plane I'm really gonna miss Andy when I leave and visit my family.

I randomly woke up sweating really bad I said Jesus why is it so hot I looked down and realized crow was on top of me and that why I was sweating so much.

I smiled and started scratching his head and he started purring in his sleep I said I'm gonna miss you stinky butt so much crow woke up and yawned and stretched and got off my stomach.

I said thank you I was sweating to death I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then I headed back into our room.

I went into our closet and grabbed my suitcase and a carry on bag and put it down on the floor crow jumped on my suitcase and started rolling around I started laughing and scratched his belly.

A couple minutes later I headed back into our room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I was sleeping on my stomach.

Crow jumped on my back and layed down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

Andy used the restroom then he headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast and also made coffee for us a little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched.

I said crow can you please get off my back he was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly I said fuck I really gotta pee.

I carefully rolled over and crow plopped on the bed and I started laughing and kissed his head and I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

Andy said morning Elle I said crow slept on my back last night he started laughing and said aw that's adorable I said yea I'm gonna miss all you guys.

Andy smiled and said we will all definitely miss you as well I smiled and gave him a hug and he kissed my head and said ugh my forever.

I smiled and said my forever as well I said I have to pack today Andrew he sighed and said I know I can help I laughed and said yea your totally gonna help.

He laughed and said huh I'm gonna help don't worry I laughed and made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table and went through my list to see if I needed to add anything else.

After Andy finished cooking he handed me a plate I said thanks and he sat down next to me and said no problem babe and he started eating breakfast.

I texted my mom and said I would let her know when my plane was gonna land tomorrow she said ok sounds good she was busy doing laundry I said fun.

After me and Andy finished eating we picked up our dishes then we headed upstairs and went into our room andy said shit I gotta feed the cats Andy ran downstairs and gave the cats some food.

I laughed and went into our closet and opened it and started getting clothes and packing my suitcase a couple minutes later Andy came upstairs and I grabbed some underwear and socks.

Andy started folding my clothes and putting them in my suitcase I helped him out he said what else should you need I said uh probably pj's he said yea.

An hour later me and Andy finished packing my suitcase we grabbed my carry on bag and put some stuff in their I looked for every thing I would need to bring to the airport and put it together.

The cats were laying on the bed and watched me and Andy pack my bag crow meowed and I walked over to him and kissed his head.

After me and Andy finished packing we put my bags by the closet and we headed downstairs and hung out in the living room and ordered take out.

The cats jumped on the couch and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later a little while later the food came here and me and Andy watched movies while eating food.

An hour later the guys came over and we all hung out and watched movies as a family cc said is your food good Elle.

I looked up and said yea he laughed and said it looks good I said it really is andy got up and threw his trash away and came back into the living room and sat down.

After I finished eating I threw my trash away and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

Andy put his legs on my lap and I looked down and said ok works too I set my alarm and let andy know what time we had to leave he said ugh I'm not a morning person.

I yawned and said neither am I but I would rather leave early than late Andy sighed and said yea true he smiled and ran his hand through his hair and said this is gonna suck.

The guys ended up staying all day the guys ended up leaving at around 7 pm I went into the kitchen and cooked dinner Andy locked the front door after the guys left.

Andy came into the kitchen and fed the cats and stood next to me while I cooked dinner he smiled and said it's smells really good I said thanks.

After I finished cooking me and Andy sat down and started eating dinner together and talked about random shit and laughed together I said well tomorrow is a big day.

Andy sighed and said yea it is a big day after me and Andy finished eating I picked up the food while Andy cleaned the dishes.

A little while later me and Andy headed upstairs and went into our room and got ready for bed the cats jumped on the bed and got comfortable.

After me and Andy finished getting ready for bed we climbed into bed and got comfortable and I made sure my alarm was on and put my phone down.

Me and Andy cuddled then we ended up falling asleep for the night crow cuddled between me and Andy and fell asleep for the night.

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